the conspiracy against lancelot and guinevere summary

Sndergaard and his family fled Denmark in 2019, fearing persecution and arrest following a harassment campaign by the government and media. Yes, the Todd Bentley type situation has made people skeptical in a more overt sense, however the discomfort with many issues rooted in spiritual deception in the practice and structure of christianity, already existed. What Averyl said is very sensible. For instance, if God can stretch a leg out 1/2 or so, why not find an amputee and in the name of Jesus command the limb to grow back? He told us that He is our ONLY Teacher Matthew 23:8-10; and the 5 fold ministry He has gifted to His Body, is Him, so let us seek His understanding to find out who are those of Him and those who are false 5 fold ministers.. . No believer who reads their bible would believe that person. That is what makes it an exciting journey. Keep standing strong in the Lord and preaching and demonstrating the Truth in these last days. GaryB quoted the right scripture in Acts 5:38-39, And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against God.. It is so much harder to believe for healing when you see the sickness in a person everyday. We have all learned those past lessons of gullibility and stupidity in embracing that charismatic sorcery. The flip side is we did these things in your name and Jesus replied depart from me you workers of lawlessness. They all responded that truly God has come to Israel.. They do nothing themselves. He received no word about his application until a letter from the Department of Homeland Security summoned him to a meeting in Orlando, Florida on June 30th. In 2Timothy 2 we are told that the servant of the Lord instructs but it is the Lord who will give the other person instruction. Another thought in regard to your important statement `the simplicity of Christ,` is that it leads us to focussing on the `true,` as Andrew Strom has encouraged us to do. I totally disagree with his position. When you are genuinely born again you prayed to Jesus Christ and you repented to Jesus Christ and ask Him for forgiveness of all your sins and because of this you are automaticallyspirituallybaptizedinto the One and only Baptism of the Jesus Christ, there after the Holy Spirit will come toabide in youpermanently. When man comes in and says look what we have done and is proud of that which has been done, then pride has entered in. But I guess repentance is too much to hope for. Sndergaard's attorneys are filing an appeal. Praise the Lord! In Jesus name we pray ! To my utter astonishment she replied, Unbelief about what? i to New Testament Christianity. Those that would criticize any such testing should take a step back and realize there is nothing unbiblical about testing such spirits as long as it is done with the right intent. Thats why we view every news story through the lens of faith. Sndergaard has created his own little belief system by taking a little from some different denomination,[16]for example, baptismal regeneration from the Catholics, speaking in tongues as the sign of baptism in the Holy Spirit from the Pentecostals, believers baptism as Baptists, and baptism to Jesus Christ not using the Trinitarian formula as Oneness Pentecostals. Christ is the greatest servant, and only He through us serves us and others. Let us lead people to the Lord and let them be taught to reason out with the Lord and learn from Him, as He invites them to do so in the book of Isaiah. Torben is a preacher, teacher, and author who was born in 1976 in Herning, Denmark. in a way that made us click together like old friends right away. Jhn 17:12 NASB While I was with them, I WAS KEEPING THEM in Your name which You have given Me; and I guarded them and not one of them perished but the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled. This is how His Kingdom comes in the earth! Almost instantly it grew out. Lightning amen! Lightening Storm, Only God knows. Stay informed with the latest from CBN News delivered to your inbox. 2.getting water baptized(immersed) on my faith in the name of Jesus Also, please read what our Jesus did. Its high time we all get over the past fakes and Counterfiets we all have been burned by one way it another. TheDude, the reason I asked you if you do obey the Lord and do everything Jesus tells you to do was not for examples , but as a type of test to see if you are able to say yes. So called religious devotion and zeal initiated by man IS UNHOLY AND PROFANE regardless out good intentions! But our minds must CONFORM to the mind of Jesus Christ..not continually making up our own way of thinking. Stephen St. Louis..your post was SO on target. Jda 016, Indeed we are one body, a living organsim, having one head (Lord Jesus), with the body having many diverse members, each with differing giftings and callings, as determined by the one Holy Spirit. 1 Peter 3:20. I just watched the original video after reading and watching the second video. Sndergaard's attorneys are filing an appeal. Jesus said Greater things would we do after He went to be with His father. My only goal is that all would come to a point of repentance and that our Lord Jesus Christ would be glorified. And the time has come to start in that direction. And yet He said, But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! (Luke 12:50). Could you ever imagine Jesus holding up a persons legs, showing the legs to be different sizes? Let Gods holiness arise in His people ! I appreciate what you are saying about being in God`s presence. What was the PURPOSE of these MANIFESTATIONS? Do you think because you read the bible that if you saw a man calling Himself Jesus, this very day, YOU WOULD BELIEVE IT WAS HIM? 2) to stand in awe of, be awed Torben is the founder of The Last Reformation, a worldwide movement that seeks to return Christianity to the Book of Acts. A new Jesus one who never calls for self denial, who is more hyper spiritual than he is authentically human. December 26, 2022 This is the second episode of a series around the persecution of Torben Sondergaard, a Check it out Dr. Michael Brown Interviews Torben Sondergaard January 14, 2023 An interview from prison with Torben Sondergaard and his immigration lawyer Michelle C Snchez, P.A. God doesnt need your help in getting His truth out. Thank you for the clarification Andrew! The rush of power into his person was so great that it caused him to fall on the floor. Have no more condemnation, because im walking in repentance, & am Spirit lead. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is just the beginning to the spiritual and supernatural journey -we go on to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Bill Johnson, and all these false prophets, teachers, evangelists, Earlier this year I felt the Lord placed it on my heart to investigate Bill Johnson , I started with what Bethel expressed as what they believe I dont see anything wrong with the statement of what they believe which I posted previously on this thread, I then listened to a number of Bill Johnsons sermons (videos) on YouTube they were all recent I tried to listen to as recent as I could, He honoured the Lord Jesus He honoured knowing the Lord Jesus He honoured the Lord Jesus words I am not saying that I agreed 100% with every single thing I heard him share but he definitely believes that Jesus is God and is Man always was God and always will be God, I am judging him by his own confession and his own confession of surrender to the Lord Jesus and he has committed himself to the Lord Jesus and is living to honour him I could tell this through the spirit of what he was sharing in his sermons, In the sermons I watched on YouTube which were at Bethel, Redding there was prayer for the sick where people gathered around those who were sick and prayed for them I didnt see anything weird or suspect or new age or whatever in any of these YouTube videos this was happening in their services praying for the sick and people were expressing that they were healed , Bill Johnson is going after healing He is taking seriously Jesus words, Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and is wanting his life and the life of his local congregation to demonstrate this, I never heard him call himself a prophet or a healer or anything else for that matter, He came across to me as a very humble man who knew the Lord personally, had surrendered himself to Him and wanted to serve and please Him, I was blessed by many of the things which I heard him share and know that he is my brother is Christ, Does that mean that hes never made a mistake in his life? Its far more common then people realize. weird may imply an unearthly or supernatural strangeness or it may stress queerness or oddness . They were all very obvious. I am having such a hard time accepting that the word WEIRD only applies to the demonic. You are mistaken in assuming when Jesus lengthens a mans leg that He copying the world my friend. a brief video (above) where Torben discusses the amazing things that What I took away from this whole deal was the value of praying with people on the street about their problems after witnessing to them. Im actually surprised the way Andrew responded. The answer to that question is I most certainly try when I feel the Lord speaking to me. Quote.. Trenton Because you will be lying to yourself and worst of all God Himself. Jesus teleported a whole BOAT FULL of Himself and the disciples across the sea. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand [was] leprous as snow. [8] Lack of healing is caused by a lack of faith which is Word of Faith doctrine to the core. Again something inside me drive me to ask if she was related to someone who had a 275 pound tumor. Yeshua is not returning for Christians He is only returning for His sheep who hear His voice and follow Him. Editing Comments: Youve asked if I obey everything that Jesus tells me to do. In addition, the supposed anatomical phenomenon of a shorter leg, has been used by chiropractors as well. Jesus had His disciples with him for a year or more, probably every day, before sending them out. 17 minutes of a guy basically saying be healed in Jesus name and they are better. There is no excuse for making such premature judgments and posting them in post after post in public. My friends, that is not discernment. This was a huge pitfall I saw with the Toronto Blessing when I was there. Sean, son your spirit is so not in tune with Jesus Hearts cry. We are never too young or too old to learn more about Jesus and the Father. The Art of Revelation by Jonathan Welton (Intro, Chapter 1 & 2) Its time to do an article on this guy. Please give us all another chance and send us out in your name again! There is no such office of healer mentioned in the NT. If you really believe what you are saying about Bill Johnson to be true then why dont you say, The Holy Spirit told me that Bill Johnson doesnt belong to God, is not a child of God and is purposefully leading the people of God astray as a messenger of Satan? But let Gods people yield to Jesus and let their Jesus light shine out of them and the world will begin to hate Gods people, will begin to respect Gods people, will begone to fear Gods people and multitudes will begin to LISTEN TO GODS PEOPLE for the lost sheep will begin hear the voice of the Shepherd IN HIS PEOPLE AND WILL FOLLOW HIM. I suggest that this same method (seek God, fast, pray for Truth) used by these preachers be used TODAY to come to the TRUTH FROM GOD HIMSELF AND TO HELP OUR UNBELIEF. We are to give witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that He is alive in us doing the same works and even greater works. He doesnt pander to the fallen flesh of man that craves excitement and goosepimples.He does works according to His own will and purposes, to show His love and kindness and authority, to open receptive hearts, etc, but not by way of cow-towing or showing off. Finally, Andrew you know I appreciate your zeal and commitment for what you do. Do you remember the incident of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus garment? This wonderful key aligns our focus when reading His Word. Rom 14:23 KJV And he that DOUBTETH is damned if he eat, because [he eateth] not of faith: for WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN. This is what has happened throughout history and is nothing new. I heard it from a preacher some years ago. Jesus is 100% God but He also was and is and always will be a very easy and normal MAN and to live with. Do you think that mere men can in any way challenge God Himself and disprove what God is doing? 2) to cause astonishment and awe, be held in awe Thats it. chas351.Thank you for your Jonathan Welton post. Jesus is coming soooooon, His return is imminent. Torben Sondergaard is a Danish pastor who is facing extraordinary persecution for exercising his Christian faith. "Emotionally, this has been one of the hardest things I've ever experienced in my life, and it has been very humbling, and I have learned endurance like never before, and that it is important not to live by our feelings and emotions but to walk by the Spirit," Torben wrote in a recent Facebook post. None of these biblical miracles are present in WIERDSVILLE only out of control laughter, strange behaviors, hyper spirituality and complete powerless human sorcery . Why cant people see this? Click the gear icon at the bottom right corner of the comment box, then click EDIT. And when man USES these things, that is witchcraft. Sondergaard claims to be an apostle and healer of the faith. Watch this video about the people of God revealing the glory of God and you too will do the works of Jesus: The presence of the Holy Spirit makes demons manifest..but if the demons dont come out but rather are allowed to have a field day, then it is the presence of another spirit and not the HOLY Spirit. I am beginning to think you are bragging and, Brother Tom; Here is another passage from Scriptures that also, The Fruit of the Spirit is listed in Galatians 5love,, I am not saying you highlighting false teaching or false, ChosenJulia, would you say that Hebrews 6 confirms or denies, My dear brother Tom, The passage in which you are, Sister Deborah; I disagree with your answer to whether or, Dear Chosen Julia A born again Christian can't lose their, Dear Jan-Hendrik Schreuder Not sure which article you posted your, Kevin E Curtis. He does not require us to do anything for Him, but on the contrary, works through us to do His will, and pleasure. Now you go and dunk yourself in a swimming pool, a bath tub? Lets compare this to what Torben is doing. I dont want to put myself on par with Jesus and assume my obedience to the Father is perfect; it isnt. He tells us to wait, to wait in our Jerusalem for the power from on high, for the spirits unction and then to go out. People being raised from the dead, people who were truly lame from birth given the power to walk, people who were 100% blind being able to see, etc. The False Unholy Spirit of Fire, Torben Sndergaard Last Reformation of Lies, Gift of Speaking in Tongues, Prophecy and Healing. I havent once *attacked* anyone, or been negative. c) to reverence, venerate, to treat with deference or reverential obedience. I found this with water immersion in the Name of the Lord. As proof of the spiritual authenticity of Torbens healings, you rely upon multitudes of people supporting your position. Marilyn. This video speaks of the amazing things that happen when you take new believers out healing the sick, preaching and baptizing, etc. I have been greatly encouraged by these videos. Not only that but it has Torbens website all over it which is loaded with written and video material to check out. Andrew J Horton, you said I didnt see anything weird or suspect or new age or whatever in any of these YouTube videos . I know of a man whose leg was 1.5 shorter than the other. When you are born again you are automaticallySPIRITUALLYbaptised by Jesus Christ onto the One and Only baptism there is, where after the Holy Spirit comes to live in you. Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, came from behind and touched the border of His garment. Jesus often did. And what I learn from these ones is how the Holy Spirit through them has a real heart & compassion for those they come in contact with & that is making me address the `now,` as well as an eye on `direction.`. Doves dung represents a past movement of the Holy Spirit, a great revival from the past, but now long dead, that has been denomination-alized in the attempt to keep it alive beyond its time. I remember an occasion at the Anglican Order of St. Luke in Christchurch when an unbelieving woman with a build up shoe (maybe 30cm or so) went forward for prayer and later limped back to her seat because the leg lengthened and the shoe was then too high for her to walk normally. 4 Then said Paul, John truly baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. My email is in case you dont want yours to be public you can send me directly if that is ok with you. Your important statement, `the simplicity of Christ,` leads us to the very first Key. If Bill truly is of God, he has a lot of very strange and new age things he is allowing to take place in his church. 2 Thess 2:7-12 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. In 2015, Torben Sndergaard quoted this as a prediction of Torben Sndergaards own work in Denmark: 10 years ago, a man came from the US to Denmark with a prophetic word to us our country. `in His hand is a sharp sickle.`. He was (and is) one of Todd Bentleys biggest supporters. Torben Sondergaard was born in 1976 into a non-Christian family. If on the other hand a man (like Torbin) comes doing miracles in Jesus name preached the message of the cross of Christ , calls for repentance and faith alone in Christ Jesus and whose godly lifestyle can be verified by those in the community who have know him personally THAT MAN IS SENT BY GOD! Too many people are busy looking for signs and wonders and taking their eyes of off Jesus. Then we have the words ANXIOUS; WORRY; CONCERNED used 21 times in the NT. Perhaps you should read the whole passage up to verse 12. But where are these authentic Jesus miracles in WIERDSVILLE ? It is necessary for the natural thinking world to see the supernatural part of God operating through us, because we are all spirit filled and supernatural beings too, and God is also a spirit. He touched the man full of leprosy. I am also sad to report that I knew a man whose wife was dying of cancer. Exd 4:6 KJV And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. Torben believes in taking new The healer used the leg pulling method I felt fire through my legs and into my lower back. But I have Think of what was inside the arkthe tablets of stone written by the finger of Godmiraculously. believe this authentic move of the Holy Spirit is only recent..? Andsuchweresome of you:butye are washed,butye are sanctified,butye are justifiedinthe nameof the LordJesus,andbythe Spiritof ourGod. OH HOW MUCH EASIER IT IS TO BELIEVE A BOOK, THAN A REAL LIVE PERSON! intolerant, hate mongers, bigots, homophobes, etc.) So, he went out looking for sick people to pray for. So TWO SEPERATE things happened here; 1) they were baptised by the Holy Spirit just by BELIEVING in Jesus Christ no signs and wonders 2) Paul then needed them to go out and preach and he laid hands on them to speak in tongues (earthly languages) and prophecy. It should not be an amazing thing to see the hand of the Lord working through one of His servants, but because the church has waxed cold we feel these are amazing works. Yes. Torben Sondergaard was detained as a national threat for bringing firearms into the country. (John said no one can have anything unless God gives it to him Jn3:27), Isaiah Saldivar is doing the same thing today>, ***In this era ofCENSORSHIP and CANCEL CULTURE, Please sign up forCBN Newslettersto keep receiving the latest news you need.***. After the time of the book of Acts came to an end, speaking in tongues and prophecy ceased. My main point in all this to merely to ask the hard questions. supermarkets of America. I believe we are moving In a Direction where everyone is going to say Truly God has visited us! I believe we will see believers so full of Gods spirit walk into a Veterans hospital and heal every amputee and solider who has lost a limb or body part. That is never proof of anything in Gods eyes. This i believe: Jesus was emphasizing both the Water and His pending Holy Spirit in Jhn 3:5 He had no interest in any institutional organization with worldly offices and laws. I have never see one video (much less the one with Torben) providing evidence of objective healings. Thats not me even mentioning all the weird things that happened while I was at his school for 2 months before I left. she told me she normally weighed less than 150 pounds but with the growing tumor she weighed over 400 pounds . I believe that our God is a might God who is 100% sovereign over everything, including life and death. Paul was using both water and Spirit so many times in his epistles Too PRE-OCCUPIED with a devil that has been falsely portrayed as having EQUAL POWER AND AUTHORITY as the TRINITY..which includes the Holy Spirit that is dwelling within EVERY BORN AGAIN person. So it really upsets me to hear all the accusations people are The Bible distinctly says, For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. This is precisely why Jesus (God) had to become like us in all things except sin. Read what Jesus Christ had to say (RIGHT FROM HIS OWN LIPS) about it here: Mar 9:38 KJV And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils IN THY NAME, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. I have just posted so-called information. That is why we need to take care when posting our judgmental thoughts without first checking things out properly. I would point also to Mathew 24:24 where Jesus says that even the elect will be deceived by false prophets performing signs and wonders. Sometimes the leg is genuinely shorter and physicaly lengthens, sometimes the back or pelvic area is being healed and the subsequent rotation causes the legs to even out. Torben is doing what is commanded in New testimant Christianity. Last week we published a video of an old friend of mine, Torben Step 2. There is NO RECORD of what Jesus did SPECIFICALLY in those 40 days. The only reason I havent is that Andrew vouches for him and I know Andrews heart. I desire mercy not sacrifice. Holy Spirit to death. People can either answer yes I do what The Lord tells me to do , or then whatever they say , whatever it may sound like , they are really saying no I do not do everything The Lord tells me to do. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. The One True God of the bible is NOT NORMAL NOR NATURAL. Mom Chooses Life on an Abortionist's Table, Finally Meets Her Grateful Son 2 Decades Later and the Tears Flow, 'The Chosen' Creators Announce Season 3 Finale to Premiere in Theaters Nationwide - The Reaction Is Stunning, Viral Video: Mall Security Guard Tells Man Wearing 'Jesus Saves' T-Shirt 'Take It Off Or Leave', 'All Glory to GOD!' Where was the encouragement to `know Him more?`, I hope that as you read that misinformation that you will realise that it is not pointing us to our precious Lord, but just a confusing This sectarianism which Jesus condemned, is the spirit which dominated the Roman Church and was inherited by the Protestants. Bethel practices fire tunnels to get drunk in the spirit. Torben Kjr Sndergaard, bedre kendt som Torben Sndergaard (fdt 9. august 1976 [2] ), er en dansk radikal kristen forkynder fra Brande i Danmark. a) of those startled by strange sights or occurrences So true about trying to put each other into boxes or us having to do such & such etc. An ICE spokesman told CBN News that Sndergaard was arrested for overstaying his Visa. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. To handle Gods holy miraculous things with hands of flesh brought forth death not life. Upon reflection, Im sure Andrew regrets lumping everyone together. If you really believe it and are willing to stake your life on it why dont you say that? I think for me the times when I am like the disciples who were arguing I personally have been most apt to get into debate about this issue is when I am not in the game as much as I would like to be . Those who CANNOT GIVE UP CONTROL TO THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL NOT MANIFEST THE FRUIT OR THE GIFTS. Lets have a look at Acts 19 shall we to see what the Bible has to say, not what Torben has to say: Acts 19:1-7 1 And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples, 2 He said to them, Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?

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