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In the Crucible, there is multiple occasions where the events that happen are parallel to McCarthyism because the Crucible is an allegory to McCarthyism. Characters like John Proctor, Abigail William and Hathorne represent Arthur Miller, Joseph McCarthy, and J.Edgar Hoover. The period during the Cold War had a deeper meaning than just the rivalry between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and America. Miller writes, No, I did notI did notI speak my own sins; I cannot judge another. 198 students ordered this very topic and got The Crucible, a phenomenal play, written by Arthur Miller is an allegory to the McCarthy Trials of the 1950s. The Crucible describes the Salem Witch Trials. Miller explains the McCarthy trials through The Crucible by teaching peoples fears, faults, and politics, making the text both a metaphor to the trials and an allegory. An overwhelming fear of the an insidious influx of communist doctrines, hidden beneath the very fabric of the U.S. society, made people fearful and paranoid: none more than Senator Joseph McCarthy. Although, many people that were condemned werent actually apart of the Communist Party, (under McCarthyism around 1950-1954) they got blacklisted or lost their jobs. US Senator Joseph McCarthy entered the spotlight by accusing members of the State Department to be communists. In 1956, when Miller applied for a new passport, he was called before the House Un-American Activities Committee to testify about his activities related to communism. I have given you my soul; leave me my name! (Proctor, Act 4, pg 130-133). The McCarthy Hearings that took place in the 1950's are a good example of this. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Similar to an extended metaphor. Character Analysis over The Crucible Much of the undoing of McCarthyism came at the hands of the Supreme Court. However, Miller made a few alterations to the historical members of the Salem society in order to suit his dramatic purpose in The Crucible, particularly Abigail Williams, John Proctor, and Reverend Samuel Parris. WebThe Crucible is an allegory for McCarthyism. In The Crucible, people assumed guilty if someone said they were guilty of witchcraft. McCarthy and his committee saw communist plots where there were none. As people in Salem were accused of witchcraft and brought before the tribunal, they were asked to confess their guilt and name the other people in town who also participated with them in dark rituals. McCarthy, Arthur Miller felt it necessary to express his political feelings through an authors medium. Here is why I think The Crucible is an allegory for the Red Scare. The state believed McCarthy and the people got treated badly because they were wrongly accused of. McCarthyism significantly impacted Arthur Millers thoughts when he wrote the play. This social injustice is also portrayed in The Crucible as its characters face the Salem Witch Trials. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible as his own reaction to the injustice of McCarthyism. Even if the accusation was false and proven, In The Crucible after Elizabeth was accused by Abigail of witchcraft she had a warrant out for her arrest, in order to arrest her they only needed an accusation no evidence they also had arrested 16 other women with no evidence. In the 1953, Arthur Miller came out with a play: The Crucible based on the Salem Witch Trials tackling McCarthyism; accusing others of being communists trying to overthrow democracy in the United States (9-10). Various forms of propaganda advertised fears, causing panic to spread throughout the country. Whether its be the treatment of a person or being put in a biased situation, injustice causes people to not be regarded in a respectful, equal manner. This began the McCarthy Era, where government workers, artists/actors, and innocent people were accused. WebThe Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1952. The Crucible is an allegory for McCarthyism because many girls in Salem were accused of being witches and the only evidence presented was the testimony of Eventually, the fear of communism faded, and President Eisenhower shut McCarthy and his communist witch hunt down. While most people use the book to study the Witch Trials, with closer examination it is easy to conclude that it is a direct allegory to the Red Scare and the McCarthy era of 1950s America. The death penalty was the number one difference, along with the after effects of these events and their logic during the time of the occurrences. In. In one account Arthur Miller read, written by the minister Samuel Parris, who was one of the leaders of the witch hunt in Salem, Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft by gently touching Elizabeth and then screaming that her fingers were burning. Hysteria is another critical component that causes major complications. Girls accused many citizens in salem claiming they were witches and causing, Stylistic and social elements are imperative to a story, They are a pivotal piece in any master plot line.In The Crucible there are many direct uses of those elements.Elements such as pace, allegory, and cultural theory.These are the most beneficial elements in the crucible that add a key development to the story, thus making it a timeless piece in American literature without these elements it couldt have been a piece that was unchanged through time. This began the McCarthy Era, and this practice was later known as McCarthyism. A crucible is a severe test or trial, which is exactly what happens in the play. The Crucible is an allegory for McCarthyism, a period of time where officials were being accused of being a part of the communist party. The Crucible was written as an allegory to McCarthyism, a US government-backed campaign to uncover alleged Communists spearheaded by Senator McCarthy. WebIn this way, The Crucible stands as an allegory for McCarthy 's communist hunt, during which many people were also killed and imprisoned due to accusations of communism. copyright 2003-2023 So john proctor the hero of Arthur Millers story is the equivalent of a suspected communist and at the time was a cold war. Miller published this play in 1953, after feeling the effects of McCarthyism during the 1950s and the Great Depression of the 1930s. The play was similar to real life events that occurred when McCarthy and the HUAC accused Americans as communists. By comparing McCarthyism to the Salem Witch Trials, Miller is able to communicate that people should not conform to societal trends because these trends may be misleading and cause innocent people to get hurt. However, we have not only repeated it on various occasions, but through Arthur Miller's The Crucible, we also see the parallel of the event with the Salem Witch hunts that took place years before the hearings. They are accused of witchcraft, but they claim, She was also in the woods, casting spells that Abigail wanted, when she is accused of calling the devil, she claims the devil came to her and forced her to sign his book with 4 other names. The two time periods were more than two and a half centuries apart, yet they had many factors that overlapped. Hi! Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Our writers will help you fix any mistakes and get an A+! The government of the time served as McCarthy 's puppet, doing whatever he told them and arresting anyone he told them to. The symbolism used I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! Miller, among others, refused to surrender to questioning. Russias gain of power throughout Eurasia showed off the USSRs strength and abilities, threatening the Western Powers. Don't know where to start? For any subject. Most readers are unfamiliar with McCarthyism. This connects to the 1950s, when to be accused of a communist Or a communist sympathizer all you needed to do is not report a communist. The era had significant impacts on American society during the early stage of the Cold War. These fears came together under the umbrella of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) which had been formed in 1938 to investigate potential communist activity inside the American government. Also in 1950, the McCarren Internal Security Act was passed by Congress even though President Harry Truman vetoed the bill. Much of my desperation branched out, I suppose, from a typical Depression-era traumathe blow struck on the mind by the rise of European Fascism and the brutal anti-Semitism it had brought to power. (Miller). McCarthyism resulted in Americans turning against each other because of politicians greed for power, paranoia, and the fear of communist infiltration. McCarthyism in the 1950s was a panic-driven search for communists and communist sympathizers in America. The kids that were hanged didnt really understand why the were being hung because they do anything wrong. For example, the use of pace throughout the, The Crucible was about the Salem Witch Trials which took place in 1692-1693 and the Red Scare happened in the late 1940s and early 1950s. An entire adult, religious community was brought to its knees by the lies and play-acting practiced by these girls as they accused one innocent adult after another of bewitching them. Perhaps Miller was particularly sensitive to this modern-day "witch hunt" because he had some fleeting associations with the American Communist Party. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. An allegory is a story with two levels of meaning- literal and symbolic. Review the genre, learn about theRed Scare, and analyze Arthur Miller's play as a political allegory for McCarthyism. Arthur Miller develops an allegory in The Crucible by comparing the Salem Witch Trials to McCarthyism by using ringleaders, persecuted couples, and hypocrisy in the government or legal system., There are still difficulties found when interpreting The Crucible as a strict allegorical representation of the 1950s McCarthyism. Reputation is the opinion applied to oneself through deeds and acts, the way oneself is, and the way people speak upon one. In Arthur Millers The Crucible, women are somewhat able to successfully gain power from society due to the fact that they use manipulation, deceit and their sexual desire (especially the character of Abigail) to acquire positions of power in their largely patriarchal society. I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! (Abigail, Act 1, pg. Parris' ten year old daughter. McCarthyism was used to a accuse communist during The Red Scare. I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! (Abigail, Act 1, pg 45) This quote exemplifies how Abigail just used the townspeoples beliefs and a backed expert of the situation to convince everyone that she was innocent. Logical Fallacies in The Crucible by Arthur Miller | Examples & Quotes, ILTS English Language Arts (207): Test Practice and Study Guide, Praxis Middle School English Language Arts (5047) Prep, EPT: CSU English Language Arts Placement Exam, NYSTCE English Language Arts (003): Practice and Study Guide, Common Core ELA Grade 8 - Language: Standards, 10th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, ACT® English Test Section: Prep & Practice, ACT® Reading Test Section: Prep & Practice, FTCE General Knowledge Test (GK) (827): Reading Subtest Practice & Study Guide, Create an account to start this course today. Power is defined as The ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as as a faculty or quality. Throughout history, women have significantly lacked not only power but the ability to be recognized as equal to their male counterparts. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, many rhetorical elements illuminate the meaning behind the text. I feel like its a lifeline. eNotes Editorial, 29 Nov. 2010, Arthur Miller constructs his play upon the famous Salem witch trails. Through all this ignorance and delusional fear, Arthur Miller was inspired to explore the similarities and parallels of the Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism. In the play, The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, Miller uses allegory to recreate the events occurring in real life. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Betty is the best direct representation of the American government of the 1950s. The Red Scare was when the people of the United States were scared that communism was going to spread to the United States since communism was becoming popular around the world. The allegorical meaning of the Crucible is that it can be a representation of the Red Scare, the HUAC, and McCarthyism., History is a "chronological record of events." WebArthur Millers The Crucible The Crucible is an allegory of McCarthyism when people accused of communism were arrested and incarcerated in the United States during the The Red Scare quickly spread across the States as American people feared that communism would take over their country one day. will help you with any book or any question. In this way, The Crucible stands as an allegory for McCarthy 's communist hunt, during which many people were also killed and imprisoned due to accusations of communism. Miller, creator of The Crucible was blacklisted, and accused of being a communist along with many other entertainers (Arthur Miller). In 1950 everyone was scared that communism would spread to the united states and McCarthy wanted to get rid of all communist in the united states but instead accused innocent citizens. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Miller explained in his hearing that he could speak about his own actions but claimed that naming other people invalidated his First Amendment rights. Latest answer posted December 16, 2019 at 7:31:02 AM. He testified that he had signed pro-communist documents and attended four or five meetings for Communist Party Writers. Miller writes, I want to open myself! Lesson 3: Graphic Organizer - The Crucible Similarities are shown between McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials in the way Senator McCarthy gained power and control by inducing fear and hatred of communists in America, comparable to the fear and hatred of witches in the late 1600s. The Crucible is similar to the Red Scare, but is The Crucible an allegory for the Red Scare? In addition, reputation is another aspect that troubles human nature. The general outline of the play corresponds to the events of the Witch Trails of Salem in 1692., It was a time of military and political tension between the United States capitalists and the Soviet communists. Those people who were accused of witchcraft or communism were promised that they would be treated mercifully if they revealed others who were guilty. One example of Abigail's villainy is the scene where her cousin, Betty Parris yells about Abigail having drank blood in the forest. In McCarthyism, it was the same thing, except for with communism. Miller expresses important messages Although Miller literally wrote about the Salem witch trials, his purpose was to describe the McCarthy trials which teaches many ideas about human life both generally and regarding politics. He is just concerned about his well being. Through the play, we follow the character, Abigail, observe her actions and their consequences. During the Salem Witch Trials, according to Arthur Millers play The Crucible and the Red Scare, it focused on how much power a character could have, and that one character also can lead to convincing the community to be with them or against their personal thoughts. This is similar to a time in the 1950s when Joseph McCarthy accuses government officials of communism and that ultimately leads to hundreds of citizens losing their jobs. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. Like the mania of the Witch Trials, the frenzy to uncover alleged Communists forced those involved to choose between following their moral conscience and saving their own skin. The detail makes a larger impact. Much like the Crucible, McCarthyism was driven by irrational thinking and emotions.The emotions of people can be blinding and problematic. Some reputations were never repaired. McCarthyism is a term describing a period of intense anti-communist suspicion in the United States around the 1950s. 45) This quote shows how Abigail took advantage of the position she was placed in and used hysteria to fuel suspicions. Abigail Williams was John Proctor's niece and worked as a servant in John and Elizabeth Proctor's home. As Arthur Miller was reading Charles W. Upham's thousand-page account of the Salem witch trials to understand the historical event, he recognized the similarities between the hysteria surrounding the accusations of the witch trials and the hysteria of the Red Scare that the U.S. was currently experiencing. The Crubible is an allegory to McCarthyism, how people were accused, in this case people accused for whichcraft and lacked knowledge to believe they were true. (Make sure to visit: McCarthyism is the practice of publicizing accusations of political disloyalty or subversions without any evidence. In 1692, a fear of witchcraft led to the accusation of over 200 townspeople. Abbyll charge lechery on you, Mr. Proctor! (Mary Warren, Act 2, pg. In salem the accused were communist and the accusers are McCarthyists. He leveled charges of disloyalty at celebrities, intellectuals and anyone who disagreed with his political views, costing many of his victims their reputations and jobs. ( Miller uses those events to establish a connection between real life and in his play. The characters of Judge Danforth and Reverend Parris both symbolize choosing good for one as opposed to choosing the good for the group. Many helped that system by untrue confessions to save their lives. Senator McCarthy took advantage by using his status to back up his accusations, McCarthy used hearsay and intimidation to establish himself as a powerful and feared figure in American politics. The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller about the witch trials, is an allegory to the Red scare of the 1950s McCarthy era because of the pointing the finger, evidence used in the trials and abuse of power. In an allegory the character,events, and instances(Definition of Allegory R104). More and more young women began to accuse townspeople of having dealings with the Devil and practicing witchcraft. Crucible Literary Essay original papers. Abigail and a number of the other girls in town are seen common dancing as the girls claim, when they were actually casting spells and love potions. 7 chapters | | 2 Trusted by over 1 million students worldwide. The Crucible Study Guide 2022-10-26. The varying intensity of this emotion can cause people to act or react in ways that may be unusual. The last main reason to falsely accuse was greed. Arthur Millers novel, the Crucible is a fictional play that centers around the Salem Witch Trials. He uses the scenes and characters to represent the real-life occurrences. The play is about testing the people of Salem to remove sin from the community. With its ability to relate to a number of political situations in many countries, even as far as 50 years past its creation, In this classroom you can see a teacher getting her roomed searched by state and local anti-subversive and they are seen searching the room, looking in trash cans, looking at the classrooms maps of russia and even looking at the picture of the us presents. This was a time during which the fear for the growth in power of the Soviet Union was spreading in America. In salem the accused were communist and the accusers are McCarthyists. An allegory is defined as a story, poem, character in a story, or picture with a hidden connotation. In the 1940s and 1950s, many people in the United States were living in fear of communism; similar to those who feared witches in Salem. succeed. The period in which this anti-communist hysteria occurred was known as the Red Scare. There are two ways that stick out to me that The Crucible is an allegory for McCarthyism. People were left questioning their rights and safety due to the second Red Scare, which threatened the coming of power of communism within America. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Justice in the court was perverted by fear and delusion (Johnson 9). Miller saw with great clarity the similarity between the accusations of witchcraft in 1692 and the accusations of communism in the 1950s. I'm Amy, What is the relationship between Abigail and John Proctor in The Crucible by Arthur Miller? For communist Party fictional play that centers around the 1950s was a during... Enotes.Com will help you with any book or any question the play, the Soviet Union spreading. Russias gain of power throughout Eurasia showed off the USSRs strength and abilities, threatening the Powers. 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