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No est vinculada a ninguna informacin personal que pueda proporcionar como se describi anteriormente. TASK 3: Your head of department has now requested you to produce some relevant documents required in the teaching practice standards demonstrating that the teaching and learning meets expectations. the individual goals and needs of all learners; and. Standard Two states that teachers should create a respectful environment for every student. recognition of differences, varied aspects of Kolb's Learning Cycle (activity, reflection, research, planning), planning around Bloom's types of learning (knowledge, attitude, skill), providing flexible approaches, resources-based However, they cannot and should not completely eliminate failure. Minors under 16 years of age may only register with ELESAPIENS through a group code associated with a teachers account on the platform. le propone diversos medios de pago para que pueda elegir aquel que ms le convenga o se adapte mejor a sus necesidades: Pago por Tarjeta de Crdito: Puede utilizar Visa y Mastercard. 1. ELESAPIENS may modify unilaterally without prior notice the provision, configuration, content and services of this site as well as the usage terms thereof and access to the contents offered and services provided. 5. By identifying what are their goals I determine what they need to do in orders to achieve their goals. El derecho de autor y de explotacin econmica de este sitio corresponde a ELESAPIENSy/o terceras entidades. However, they cannot and should not completely eliminate failure. Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners, Learners are different and they usually learn in different ways therefore it is pertinent for teachers to, understand their learners better (Skrzek, 2019). To take any legal action or institute any proceedings that are appropriate to protect both the rights of ELESAPIENS and third parties that provide their services or contents over this site whenever such action is necessary. The quality and velocity of access to the site and the technical conditions users must have to be able to access the site and its services and/or contents. Students who have negative experiences of continuous failure lose the motivation to learn. Salvo prueba en contrario, los datos registrados por ELESAPIENS constituyen la prueba del conjunto de transacciones realizadas entre ELESAPIENS y sus clientes. 3.4 explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners. ELESAPIENS podr modificar de forma unilateral y sin aviso previo, la prestacin, configuracin, contenido y servicios del sitio, as como sus condiciones de uso y el acceso a los contenidos ofrecidos y servicios prestados. En caso de que el usuario decida registrarse en el sitio web, sus datos sern tratados con diversas finalidades sin carcter limitativo, ya que stas podrn variar en funcin de los servicios que en cada caso sean ofrecidos por ELESAPIENS a travs de un sitio web relacionado con sus marcas y productos. 1.1 Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning. El usuario acepta notificarnos inmediatamente sobre cualquier uso no autorizado de sus contraseas, cuentas o cualquier otra infraccin de seguridad. You will teach, and your learners will learn. In the event that users do not accept these general terms or the specific terms that govern the use of a particular service and/or content intended for website users that said company requires, they shall refrain from accessing the website or, as the case may be, leave said site. It teaches students how to treat one another in and out of the classroom., I can do this by decorating the classroom and getting to personally know and communicate with the students. ELESAPIENS shall file the online document on which the agreement is formalized, which shall be accessible. Deber actualizar a tiempo su informacin de registro para mantenerla exacta, actual y completa. In order to do this, it is recommended that a teacher groups students according to, Teachers are also active and respond quickly when assistance is asked. ELESAPIENS provides users with all the technical means required to identify and correct any mistake made while providing details on the different forms that appear on the screen during the subscription process. Todos los precios publicados en nuestra pgina web son con impuestos indirectos incluidos. Access the contents and services of the site available as such free of charge and without prior authorization notwithstanding the technical and specific terms or the need for prior signing-up for specific services and contents as required by these general terms or the specific terms of said services. All the prices on our webpage include indirect taxes. They should be perceived in this way. The below test includes 10 questions, randomly selected from a large, Indiana university plagiarism test , someone please help me.. skip navigation Education Home IU Definition Overview Cases Examples Practice Test Tutorial Site Map Resources Tutorial Home. Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners . Most questions will be different each time you take the test, You mustanswer at least 9 out of 10 questions correctlyto, These tests are intended for undergraduate students in college or those under 18 years of age. Sin limitar lo dicho anteriormente, el usuario se compromete a no usar nuestra pgina para hacer lo siguiente: Usted acepta la condicin de usar nuestros foros, comunidad y/o servicios de comunicacin o mensajera (conjuntamente, los Foros) slo para enviar y recibir mensajes e informacin adecuada y relacionada con un Foro particular. cognition and learning. As a trainer, relating to real life circumstances and situations is one of the simplest means of making learning more accessible to both the learners and trainers. Learning outcome 4 Asimismo, tambin se entendern incluidos en este sitio web todos los microsites a los que se pueda acceder desde el presente sitio web, excepto que dicho microsite, expresamente recoja unas condiciones de uso propias, en cuyo caso se le aplicarn stas. La existencia de las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso no excluye la presencia de otras disposiciones o condiciones de acceso a las diversas secciones que componen el sitio de ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L. Tras el registro, deber seleccionar el plan y el periodo de suscripcin que dese contratar haciendo clic en botn Suscribir correspondiente, segn las indicaciones recogidas en pantalla, cumplimentando a estos efectos el formulario de suscripcin suministrado, incluida la forma de pago, y validando el mismo. More information. Once the subscription has been confirmed, the information provided by the client for the plan and the period chosen cannot be changed. c. Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners d. Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to . The term site or website comprises -by way of illustration, but not limitation- the data, texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs and other contents included in said site and, in general, all the creations expressed in any medium or vehicle, whether tangible or intangible, regardless of whether or not they might be the subject of intellectual property in accordance with the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Act. The first stage of the teaching, learning and assessment cycle is to identify learner's needs. The head teacher; deputy/assistant head teacher; SENCO; key stage co-ordinators; subject co-ordinators; class/subject teachers. Si selecciona un nombre de usuario que, segn nuestra opinin, es obsceno, indecente, insultante o que puede ser la causa de descrdito o desdn pblico, reservamos el derecho de cambiar automticamente su nombre de usuario sin notificacin previa, eliminar sus publicaciones en nuestras pginas web, prohibirle el acceso a la pgina web o cualquier combinacin de estas opciones. ELESAPIENS ha adoptado los niveles de seguridad de proteccin de los datos personales establecidos en la normativa vigente, y ha instalado todos los medios y medidas tcnicas y organizativas a su alcance para evitar la prdida, mal uso, alteracin, acceso no autorizado y robo de los datos personales facilitados. ELESAPIENSguarantees the confidentiality of any personal data provided by users and the automated processing thereof in accordance with the laws in force in Spain at the present time governing personal data protection as well as all European regulations and any other Spanish regulations applicable thereto. HOW OWN PLANNING MEETS THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF LEARNERS 2 Learning Outcomes Personal planning as an educator is essential in the general progress of individuals.

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