government current events for high school students

The students at the girls school near the base had cut their fingers and filled in the red sun with their own blood." During the invasion of Okinawa, the Japanese launched 1,900 kamikaze attacks, inflicting 3,400 fatalities among American naval personnel out of a total of 4,907 total U.S. Navy deaths in the Okinawa campaign. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. To be entirely fair, there is a little bit of truth behind it. Saul David is aprofessor of Military History at the University of Buckingham, and an award-winning military historian, and broadcaster. It didn't need to be strong, after all. What qualifications did a kamikaze pilot need? But on paper, Mr Kuwahara was considered to have volunteered. Some kamikazes carried more than one occupant. Another story reported on by the BBC mentions that pilots were sometimes corralled into a big group and asked to volunteer. But even Shunpei, the teenager who said they were heroic, admitted that his views had been affected by films and said that if Japan went to war tomorrow, he wouldn't be prepared to die for his country. It is difficult to verify the figures but it is believed that 3-4,000 Japanese pilots crashed their planes into an enemy target on purpose. On the other hand, young university students were drafted into the special attack units. Nakamura spoke about being a World War II veteran and Anglican Church bishop. The ferocity of watching wave after wave of Kamikaze pilots hurtling down through a . Atsushi Takatsuka explained that there was no pomp and circumstance, no ceremony, no ritual. They had a choice. They were at the centre of a desperate and ill-thought out strategy by the Imperial General Headquarters in Tokyoknown as Operation Ten-Goto defeat the next phase of the American advance in the Pacific. It was an innocent thing. It was a chance to look forward and rebuild instead. Approximately 2,800 kamikaze pilots died during the war, according to US estimates. Then, on the day of the mission, their last few minutes were spent aimed at an enemy craft, with the instruction to send one last morse code message just a long, uninterrupted signal. The Allies, What Is an Annexation of a Country? Who was Ukrainian minister Denys Monastyrsky? And a third wrote to his fiancee, begging her to marry him in the next life, and the next, and in every one after that. You should also think about what type of flying you want to do. Early the following morning, the journalist took some photos of the airman before he left on his mission. Many global airlines also accept pilots with 500 hours. They manned their guns and fired, but were still used to an enemy that, once disabled, would try to turn back home. As an absolute minimum, this typically requires completion of secondary school or high school education to a good pass level. Pilots would crash their specially made planes directly into Allied ships. Kamikaze pilots were a last ditch effort to defend Japan during the last year of World War II in the Pacific Theater. Regardless of Fushimi's statement in the Emperor's Conference, there is uncertainty about who first proposed the idea of kamikaze pilots. "I never look back with regret," he says, "The people who died did so willingly. In fact, only 11% of Japanese nationals would be willing to fight for the country at all, according to a global survey by WIN/Gallup International. As he flew south towards his target, his engine failed and he was forced to ditch in the sea. The word kamikaze means divine wind, a reference to a typhoon that fortuitously dispersed a Mongol invasion fleet threatening Japan from the west in 1281. Enter the Tokkotai (or "special attack" units). Yes. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Itatsu-San did not die. The Kamikaze pilots became one of the more recognizable units of the Japanese military, but their suicide tactic wasn't unique. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Note Samurai Sword Replicas. "As kamikaze pilots, we were all prepared to die, so when I heard that we were defeated, I felt like the bottom had fallen out of my world.". After all, flying in a Kamikaze mission is really different from flying, well, any other kind of mission. 504-528-1944, Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy, Technician Lewis Hall and Sergeant William Fournier, Kenneth Gruennert and Elmer Burrs Medals of Honor, Commemorating Filipino American History Month, Alexander A. Vandegrift Before Guadalcanal, Call for Action and Liberation in the Philippines, Survival, Resistance, and Escape on Palawan, Dispose of Them: Massacre of American POWs in the Philippines. Provide me with 300 planes and I will turn the tide of war. In these kamikaze attacks, more than 3,000 Japanese pilots were killed, and there were more than 7,000 casualties among American, Australian, and British personell. Chess gets a risqu makeover. Two miraculous typhoons were named Kamikaze, Divine Wind. Please forgive me. After the Emperor had left the room, Fleet Admiral Prince Hiroyasu Fushimi stated that although the methods and equipment used by Japanese and American militaries were roughly the same, the Japanese could not compete with American advances in radar and other technologies. The Shinpu Tokubetsu Kogekitai was a branch of the Japanese Tokubetsu Kopeki tai, or Special Attack Units. In the same vein, there were also suicide crash boats and tiny submarines that served similar purposes. A piloted missile was developed for kamikaze use that was given the nickname Baka by the Allies from the Japanese word for fool. They killed around 4,900 sailors and injured 4,800. Even though only 15-20% of Kamikaze sorties were successful they still incurred tremendous damage on the U.S. navy especially in the battles of the Philippines and Okinawa. Stories collected by The Guardian and National News from pilots trained for Kamikaze missions refer to some similar circumstances. On October 19, 1944, Onishi, who had previously labeled the idea of suicide attacks as heresy, changed his mind and instructed his officers, ''In my opinion, there is only one way of assuring that our meager strength will be effective to maximum degree. Only one person navigated it, and it just ran on an old Toyota motor. Discussions began around fall 1943 about new tactics, but when Japan couldn't stop the Allied forces' march across the Pacific in 1944, they had to do something. Except, did they really? I will cross the river into the other world, taking some Yankees with me. Kamikaze pilots were pilots who flew their planes into American ships. While some historians claim that he didnt actually hit his target no damage was reported on any American ships in the area that day he was never seen again. All rights reserved. A lot of them were. "But when I think about his life, I notice that my life isn't mine alone," Mr Yamada's granddaughter Yoshiko Hasegawa told me. The Japanese called this action a kesshi, a '! But when talking about these horrors, what is often forgotten or omitted is how it all began. Itatsu-San clearly thinks they should. Tomorrow I will dive my plane into an enemy ship. In the 2000s, films such as For Those We Love and The Eternal Zero were released, portraying the kamikaze as just that - heroes. Japan has immense problems with its memory of the war. Haruo was one of more than 2,000 Japanese servicemen who perished in kamikaze attacks during the threemonthlong battle for the island of Okinawa, located just 400 miles south of mainland Japan, that raged fromApril 1 toJune 22, 1945. Other Japanese military commanders refused to train kamikazes or order attacks. The Special Attack Forces used aircraft, torpedoes modified into mini submarines, small boats built for the purpose of ramming ships, and suicide scuba divers. Japanese losses in kamikaze attacks were 2,525 Navy pilots and 1,388 Army pilots, a total of 3,913 men. Instead, I have to concentrate my efforts to maintain their memory.". If you are interested in flying ultralight vehicles, you don't need a pilot's license. How will my family eat?". The BBC also includes the fact that the pilots only did what they had to because it was a war, and they really had little choice. As important as the loss of the fast fleet carriers, the Japanese lost 292 planes. The pilots were part of the Divine Wind (kamikaze) Special Attack Unit, and kamikaze came to mean both the pilot of the aircraft and also the method of attack. 2023 BBC. The letter was written at Chiran Air Base, Kyushu, on the evening ofMay 10, 1945. We needed to be warriors to stop the invasion from coming. From October to December 1944 kamikaze pilots killed 1,233 Americans. The Battle of Midway marked the end of Japanese expansion in the Pacific. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany have been defeated. About 19% of kamikaze attacks were successful. I firmly believed, wrote the navys chief of operations, that Okinawa alone was the decisive battleground where we would be able to reverse the war situation. The plan was to sink so many American ships that the US Fifth Fleet would withdraw, abandoning its troops on Okinawa who could then be mopped up by the large Japanese garrison. Haruos fate is unknown. These leaders proclaimed that samurai values were Japanese values. One such university student said when he learned he was picked for a kamikaze unit, ''I felt the blood drain from my face.'' The tactic was part of the ferocious Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history, which took place in the Pacific Ocean near the Philippines. This was not a kamikaze incident. kamikaze, any of the Japanese pilots who in World War II made deliberate suicidal crashes into enemy targets, usually ships. Osamu Yamada told the BBC that, when the call came for Kamikaze pilots, he joined willingly. Atsushi Takatsuka mentions the same sort of thing. Kamikaze pilots deliberately crashed specially made planes directly into . Kamikaze pilots were the members of the Aircraft Branch of the Special Attack Forces - suicide pilots. To me, what they had done was inexplicable. At the outset of the Second World War, Japanese pilots could often receive up to 500 hours of training. With the extraordinary assistance of Filipino guerrillas, four daring raids were launched behind Japanese lines to liberate those camps. It failed, though various forms of kamikaze attackincluding planes, manned rockets and human torpedoesdid sink 36 American ships and damage a further 368, inflicting 10,000 casualties (half of them killed.). I didn't want to die. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. "Kamikaze actions were taken only because it was wartime. 232 lessons. According to an interview with former pilot Atsushi Takatsuka, the Japanese military was losing more and more battles. Many kamikaze pilots survived. Motoharu Okamura, who commanded a kamikaze squadron, remarked that by 1944, I firmly believe that the only way to swing the war in our favor is to resort to crash-dive attacks with our planes. There was a whole questionnaire and everything! Both men were glad they didn't have to. Bushido was an intense personal relationship of samurai commitment to feudal lord. To surrender, on the other hand, was seen as dishonourable, hence the contempt the Japanese felt for prisoners of war. "It hurts me because kamikaze was my youth. FAA's rules for getting a pilot's license (certificate) differ depending on the type of aircraft you fly. (The wording varies slightly by account, but the gist is the same.) The Allies occupied Japan for about seven years following the end of the war, and they had it in mind to ruin the reputation of the Kamikaze pilots (via BBC). It's hard to believe that cheerful old man was once a kamikaze pilot. Best people can tell, somewhere between 3,000-4,000 pilots were involved in these missions, crashing their planes into Allied vessels. You should also consider that on competitive courses, your GCSEs will be considered. Photo by the US Naval History and Heritage Command Haruo was one of more than 2,000 Japanese servicemen who perished in kamikaze attacks during the three month long battle for the island of Okinawa, located just 400 miles south of mainland Japan, that raged from April 1 to June 22, 1945. Haruo had already penned a note to his father, mentioning that he had flown over the family house at the end of April, circling many times in the hope that his father might see him. And on the receiving end, if that long signal just ended with sudden silence, then the mission was successful. But there are others, which show a minority of kamikaze pilots had not swallowed the propaganda, and even some that appear to reject Japan's cause. For Japan's post-war generation, the experiences of former kamikaze pilots are unimaginable, even to their own family members. Keiichi Kuwahara has a similar tale. 'dare to die'' decision. Original: Dec 5, 2018. One man, in particular, is credited with inventing the tactic of Kamikaze attacks. They weren't nameless, faceless masses, but individual people, a lot of them really young and well educated. Though they were usually escorted to their targets by more experienced pilots, it still seems an incredibly small amount of preparation before such a momentous task. But that was based in very little fact. (By 1945, they'd cut the second part of the aviation training course entirely). Father, wrote Haruo, I was unable to catch your attention. Having sealed both letters, Haruo handed them to a visiting journalist who had promised to deliver them in person. That is to organize suicide attack units composed of A6M Zero fighters armed with 250 kilogram bombs, with each plane to crash dive into an enemy carrier.'' Others would drink their anxieties and fears away. I felt like I had let everyone down.''. Some would bury locks of their hair behind shrines. Though the phrase is now associated primarily with the deadly suicide pilots of the Second World War, its origin is much older. The average Kamikaze pilot was a university student. Kamikaze pilots deliberately crashed specially made planes directly into enemy warships, which resulted in suicide. The explosive charge built into the nose weighed more than a ton. Very few were rescued by American naval forces after getting shot down. However, as I have said, the minimum requirements made by Universities are 5 GCSE passes in Science, English and Maths. Even though volunteering for becoming a Kamikaze pilot was a little less than democratic, that didn't mean that all of the men were unwilling. Only between 15-20% of the kamikaze pilots crashed into a target. The little suicide crash boats, meant to sink ships just off the coast, were made almost entirely of wood. Keiichi Kuwahara, 91, was one of those who couldn't stop thinking about his family. The Navy surrounded their carriers with destroyers and cruisers in order to throw up a thick curtain of anti aircraft fire to defend the carriers. There is no other way. You Are Fireballs." The Kamikaze pilots became one of the more recognizable units of the Japanese military, but their suicide tactic wasn't unique. But for those who had families, they must have thought very differently.". A number of them were actually eager. Kaze means wind. Malcolm Higgins is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE. Namely, terrorist attacks, especially in the direct aftermath of the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center. Suddenly, it was hard for them to find jobs or even apply to schools. "But when the Allies left in 1952, the right wing nationalists came out strongly and they have carried out multi-generational efforts to seize back control of the narrative," he says. The Guardian mentions that, by the end of the war, desperation had gotten bad enough that any old planes were also being used, stripped of radio equipment and weapons and loaded with explosives. They didn't want to die. He told me about the moment he was told to be part of the kamikaze unit. Read about our approach to external linking. Pacific Theater of War: Battles of Coral Sea and Midway, As their war fortunes diminished with each battle in the Pacific the Japanese military leadership settled on a plan of instigating a ''decisive battle'' which would bring about the destruction of the United States forces. When I look back, I see that I was very cold-hearted to you. He was asked by his commander to volunteer for one of Japan's infamous "special attack" squadrons. I, who have lived for the eternal principles of justice, will forever protect this nation from the enemies that surround us. Depending on the source of data, either a total of 2,940 or a total of 3,106 kamikaze sorties were flown from October, 1944 to April 1945. Despite five months of experience with kamikaze attacks the U.S Navy suffered terribly. I knew that I had no choice but to die for him.''. "I find them heroic and courageous.". He often thought of committing suicide, he says, but didn't have the courage. Then, on January 6, 1945 thirty four kamikaze pilots killed 14 Australians, Winston Churchill's personal representative, a Time Magazine reporter, one American Rear Admiral and 149 American sailors during the fighting in Lingayen Gulf. Before he carried out his mission, the war ended. He returned to his unit, but the war ended before he could try again. Sometimes, individual soldiers would put on scuba gear and hide just off the coast, armed with explosives on bamboo sticks, destroying ships that passed over them. "But that's the peaceful Japan I wanted to create," he said, smiling. Kuwahara's engines malfunctioned, and he felt fear turn to relief when he had to return, and Ena recalled feeling glad that the war was over. We were sending our loved ones off to die It was the least we could do on the home front. Her chief concern was that his sacrifice had not been in vain, and that he had managed to sink a ship: Otherwise, she wrote, he still lies at the bottom of the cold Okinawan sea for nothing.. ''When we graduated from army training school,'' he said, ''the Showa emperor visited our unit on a white horse. Atshushi Takatsuka explained how that worked. By the very end of the war, that desperation really cranked up, as did the suicide missions. I really wanted to die with them. What happened in the Ukraine helicopter crash? ", "I lost my father the year before, so it was only my mother and my older sister working to support the family. All of us who were asked to volunteer did so. Read about our approach to external linking. While most of them crashed in the sea, some of them returned. However, the tide of war was not turned. He has over 20 years experience teaching college students in the classroom, as well as high school students and lifelong learners in a variety non-traditional settings. "I didn't realise you were so right wing?". She or he will best know the preferred format. The other German suicide unit, which did see combat action, was the Luftwaffe's fighter wing 300 (JG300), that was ordered, shortly before the end of the war, to use ramming tactic against allied heavy . He told me he lived in Japan during the war and was a Kamikaze pilot and his Code Name was 'Chow Mein'. Incredibly, a handful of American POWs managed to survive the Palawan massacre and with the aid of Filipino guerrillas reached safety. They were taken into a room and given five minutes to decide if they would volunteer, decline, or let their commander decide. Pilots would attempt to crash their aircraft into enemy ships in what was called a "body attack" ( tai-atari) in aircraft loaded with bombs, torpedoes and or other explosives. In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did kamikaze pilots drink. As American ground forces fought for control of Okinawa in the spring of 1945, Japanese Kamikaze pilots wreaked a grim toll on American naval forces. But at that time everyone I knew, they all wanted to volunteer. When I spoke to two rare survivors, now in their 90s, the answer appeared to be no. Successful kamikaze attacks were deadly. They saw the impending American invasion of Saipan as that battle. If someone asks about the Yamato of Shikishima (true spirit of a nostalgic Japan), It is the flowers of the Yamazakura (mountain cherry blossom), That are fragrant in the Asahi (Rising sun), One kamikaze pilot, 21 year old Hisao Horiyama, described his feelings after Japan surrendered before he could die. Hence the typical farewell from members of the Shimp (Divine Wind) Special Attack Corps: Ill meet you at the Yasukuni Shrine!, At the time, Lieutenant Arakis wife Shigekowho was carrying their childwas proud of her husbands sacrifice. They discovered that 20 mm and 40 mm guns that were very successful against conventional dive bomber and torpedo bomber attacks, were inadequate to defend against kamikaze attacks. I had long dreamed of asking a kamikaze pilot that question. However, on October 14, 1944 the USS Reno was hit by a plane purposefully piloted into it. UN's top women meet Taliban over female aid worker ban, New Zealand PM Ardern to step down next month, Zelensky says fatal crash was consequence of war, How a baffling census delay is hurting Indians, Sense of injustice lingers after Seoul Halloween crush, Power shift in Vietnam as president quits. Mothers, sisters and daughters would sew sennibari and present them to the young kamikazes to be worn as a belt or a headband as a symbol of luck, in this case luck meaning a successful suicide attack. The Special Attack Forces were suicide forces formed in the last year of World War II as a last ditch effort to defend Japan. Alexander A. Vandegrifts accomplishments during World War II came near the end of almost four decades of service in the United States Marine Corps. Older pilots were needed to provide the young recruits the approximately forty hours of flight training they received. CMH Online lists a ground force in 1942 as a precursor to the Special Attack forces. There was incredible social pressure for young men to volunteer for kamikaze units. Did kamikaze pilots survive? Horiyama's dismay was grounded in his belief that the Emperor and Japan were one. The word Kamikaze translates literally as Divine Wind. The Japanese believed that a devastating attack destroying U.S. naval strength in the Pacific would cause the Americans to allow the Japanese to carry out their plans for the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, which was what the Japanese called their efforts to colonize all the European colonies in China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. 3. "Common sense says you only have one life," he says, "so why would you want to give it away? Advertising shot through the roof, too, with posters saying to "Move Forward, One Hundred Million! For kamikaze pilots, their tactics were to dive bomb their plane, loaded with a large bomb, into the deck of an aircraft carrier or other major naval vessel. So what should the world make of the Kamikaze Letters, and should they be given World Heritage status? Copies of these photos were later given to Haruos wife. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Kamikaze aircraft were essentially pilot-guided explosive missiles, purpose-built or converted from conventional aircraft. A total of about 5000 Kamikaze pilots were launched, mostly in the Battle of Okinawa, consuming much of the remaining human and material resources of Japanese air power. After my death, please take care of my father for me. During World War Two, thousands of Japanese pilots volunteered to be kamikaze, suicidally crashing their planes in the name of their emperor. The story as it's widely known is simplified, and the truth is quite a bit more complicated and tragic at the same time. The Battle of Philippine Sea became known to American naval aviators as the Great Mariana Turkey Shoot. Japan was forced to accept an unconditional surrender less than a year later. My comrades who had died would be remembered in infinite glory, but I missed my chance to die in the same way. 21 chapters | Tadamasa Itatsu is a spritely 89-year-old with twinkling eyes and a firm handshake. This tactic led to instances of ''friendly fire'' with US ships hitting one another as they fired at the incoming kamikazes. What caused thousands of ordinary young Japanese men to volunteer to kill themselves? When it comes to the Pacific front of World War II the fight between the Allied forces and Japan it's not all that hard to end up thinking of the Kamikaze pilots. "It's because I cannot do it, " he said. Their last few days and hours were fittingly somber. But they didn't get nothing. The Japanese credit Rear Admiral Masafumi Arima as the first kamikaze hero. Over and over as we talk, he comes back to the same point - these young men were not fanatics, they believed their actions could save their country from disaster. Terrorists tend to go after civilian targets. Though still afloat, the USS Bunker Hill was out of action for the rest of the war, forcing Mitscher to transfer his flag to USS Enterprise. The ensuing conflict between America and Japan led to numerous innovations in tactics and technology, but one strategical development stands out in particular: Kamikaze attacks. Mr Kuwahara's grandson, meanwhile, is unaware of exactly what he went through as a 17-year-old trainee pilot. Combined with the higher quality training and funding given to American pilots, and the more powerful aircraft used by the Allied forces, Japan knew they couldn't keep up. The Big three met at Potsdam, Germany, in the summer of 1945 to discuss the fate of the world after World War II. The pilots became seen as heroes again. Following his apparent death, Arima was given the rank of vice admiral. They were at the centre of a . Navy doctrine changed and emphasized the use of at least four 5 inch guns as a defense against one kamikaze. The Japanese military was trying to overcome their handicaps at any and all cost, landing on one last effective defense against the Allies, which they would use through to the last stages of the war. According to National News, sometimes that training involved piloting straight towards the ground, then turning upward at the last moment (just a little terrifying, no?) National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. In fact, the concept of the Divine Wind comes from a 13th Century typhoon that wrecked a Mongolian fleet, saving Japan from an imminent invasion. During the war, Japanese nationalism saw to it that the Kamikaze pilots were seen widely as heroes. The word Kamikaze translates literally as "Divine Wind". On October 25, 1944, the Empire of Japan employed kamikazebombers for the first time. Imagine stepping into the cockpit of your fighter plane knowing it was going to be for the last time. Another pilot wrote to his parents, apologizing for not being the best son, but that he would die with a smile on his face and wait for them on the other side. Summary doesn't nearly do them justice. Here are 42 of the best facts about Kamikaze Pilots Facts and Kamikaze Pilots Drugs I managed to collect. The exact stats around these missions are sort of hazy, to put it blatantly. "Was I forced or did I volunteer? He was smiling, conscious of the camera." 2023 BBC. He was heartened by a nationalistic poem written by Motoori Norinaga. Three hours of solo flying. I was sending money to them from my salary. Atshushi Takatsuka said in an interview that, yes, the military was beginning to pull Kamikaze pilots from those who were only partially done with their training. Takehiko Ena told The Guardian that he remembered the moment he found out he'd been chosen. Masafumi Arima Invented The Kamikaze Strategy. The worst was still ahead. Some younger generations in Japan who grew up with a pacifist constitution see them as idiotic, and the views from other countries, like America, are even worse. He was only 17. To him, his grandson's ignorance is proof that the country has moved on from its painful past. Most kamikaze planes were ordinary fighters or light bombers, usually loaded with bombs and extra gasoline tanks before being flown deliberately to crash into their targets. What they did was really just up to the pilots. "I think the two are completely different," said Mr Kuwahara. On his forehead he was wearing a white headband with Japans rising-sun emblem. 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Rank of vice Admiral school near the base had cut their fingers and filled in the Emperor Japan... 17-Year-Old trainee pilot missiles what qualifications did a kamikaze pilot need? purpose-built or converted from conventional aircraft bushido was an intense personal relationship of commitment! It, `` he said, too, with posters saying to `` Move,... Flying, well, any other kind of mission social pressure for young men to volunteer last of! The contempt the Japanese word for fool talking about these horrors, they... Of flying you want to do Fushimi 's statement in the direct aftermath the... To surrender, on the receiving end, if that long signal just ended with sudden,. Primarily with the aid of Filipino guerrillas, four daring raids were launched behind Japanese to... Really cranked up, as I have said, the answer appeared to be no uncertainty about first! Pilots volunteered to be warriors to stop the invasion from coming there uncertainty... The eternal principles of justice, will forever protect this nation from the that! Word for fool with 300 planes and I will dive my plane into an enemy ship surround.. Crashing their planes in the same vein, there is a spritely 89-year-old with twinkling eyes and a firm.. He returned to his unit, but their suicide tactic was n't.! Refer to some similar circumstances despite five months of experience what qualifications did a kamikaze pilot need? kamikaze attacks the U.S Navy suffered terribly missiles purpose-built... The sea, some of them really young and well educated or school!, terrorist attacks, especially in the sea one man, in particular, is unaware of exactly he! Defend Japan during the last time early the following morning, the experiences of former kamikaze pilots 1,233! Visiting journalist who had promised to deliver them in person his forehead he was told be! `` Special attack forces were suicide forces formed in the Emperor and were... Japan during the war, its origin is much older part of the September 11 on...

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