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The quality of managerial decision-making depends upon the qualitative information and the Evaluation of Alternatives and Selection of a Course of Action: The next step in the decision-making process is evaluating each of the alternatives generated in the previous step. Consider, for example, the following two ways in which a firm might state one of its objectives: To increase our market share by at least 3.5% in the next fiscal year. As Stoner puts it: It does not take a wise manager to reach a decision when there are no other possible choices. As a result, the future is surrounded by uncertainty and risks have to be assumed. That is, they should make sure that the alternatives chosen in step 5 and implemented in step 6 have accomplished the desired result. This is used in situations when immediate action needs to be compliant and without hesitation. When choosing a supplier, we will usually dose on the basis of price and past performance. 1 MIS takes into account mainly quantitative factors, thus it ignores the non-quantitative factors like morale, attitudes of members of the organisation, which have an important bearing on the decision making process of executives. Operational Control Level: Direct Operational control level includes: Marketing: It is the area in which considerable effort as spent in describing how the computer could be applied to the entire range of marketing operations. In general constraints are factors that impede problem solution or limit managers in their efforts to solve a problem. Decision Making Level and Types of Information Systems (Managing Information System) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pps), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. When making a decision managers have a purpose. This explains why the decision maker must become aware of and be sensitive to the decision environment before any decision is possible. 2. Managers of most profit-seeking firms are always faced with a wide range of important decisions in the areas of pricing, product choice, cost control, advertising, capital investments, dividend policy and so on. Decision Tree 4. You'll learn how these systems work, how they provide value for the business, and the challenges of . The decision maker has to develop a brief explicit list of the major resources which enables the decision maker to make the best possible utilization of the organisations resources. Problems act as barriers to the achievement of organisation goals. The saying two brains are better than one, like many others, contains an elephant of truth. The practice in America is just the opposite. - Create/Design databases and programs that will provide reports that will support the business objectives and feed the management and stakeholder packs. Strategic decision-making determines the objectives, resources, and policies of the organization. Table 8.1 illustrates each type of decision for two different organisations: one profit-seeking firm (an oil company) and non-profit seeking firm (an oil company) and one non-profit organisation (a hospital). Another problem to consider when implementing decisions is peoples resistance to change. In addition to strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making, business intelligence supports the three types of decision-making. Programmed and Non-programmed Decisions There are two types of decisions - programmed and non-programmed decisions. The difference between management information system and decision support system is that management information system supports structured decision making while decision support system provides support for unstructured or semi-structured decisions. Privacy Policy 9. Thirdly, the larger the number of people concerned with a problem, the greater the number of likely alternatives to be sought. Identification of Resources and Constraints. Finally, in personnel decisions have to be made about new and different pay scales and the likely impact on current wage rates. That is, should the company introduce one new high-priced stereo system or four complementary systems for each market segment? A 0.001% increase in market share satisfies the objective, as does a 1% increase, or 10% increase. It is also necessary to consider the various types of risks associated with each alternative. For example, in case of a multi-product firm like the Godrej, the company policy may put a ceiling on the advertising budget for each product. Most writers on management feel that management is basically decision-making. This occurs in situations where clear lines of authority and responsibility for making a decision have not been drawn. Again, marketing managers have to determine the appropriate production mix with regard to price and promotion: if multiple products are produced, what should be the price range among different products? 8.5 implies. Managers are faced with a wide range of decisions on any given day. . Considering all possible solutions. In fact, managers often identify one or two alternatives very fairly and choose from among them. Some automobile companies faced with falling demand for petrol-operated cars have produced battery-operated motor cars. The Nature of Decision Making 3. It is the basic activity of the management. Effective decision-making requires a clear understanding of the situation. If the organisation is to survive and grow in the long nm it must be ready to adapt and evolve in response to diverse environmental changes. However, managers are faced with various constraints in the decision-making process. In other words, what should be done? Intuition, judgement and experience always play a very important role in decision-making under uncertain conditions. Thus when a situation calls for a programmed decision managers must ultimately make use of their own judgement. Introduction to Decision Making in Management 2. It is necessary to distinguish, at the outset, between the environment as an objective entity and the managers perception of the environment. The key to effective implementation is action planning, a well thought out, step-by-step description of the programme. When managers know with certainty what their possible alternatives are and what conditions are associated with each alternative, a state of certainty exists. This explains why most writers on management stress the importance of including as many members of the organisation as feasible in the decision-making process. 3. Since established procedures are of little use for making such decisions, new solutions are to be found out. Decision-Making at Different Levels in the Organisation: A study of the decision-making in different organisations reveals that the three types of decisions listed above are not evenly spread throughout the organisation. ROLE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR DECISION MAKING IN THE ORGANIZATION. A management information system (MIS) is a computer system consisting of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of an organization's operations. Separating the feasible alternatives from the infeasible ones saves time, since the decision maker can then evaluate only those alternatives that are likely to be chosen.. Decision makers have incomplete information regarding all possible alternatives. Group decision-making has its merit and drawbacks. 8. These conditions are represented in Fig. Before attempting to evaluate the quality of any alternative, it is absolutely essential for the decision-maker to first establish the extent to which each of these criteria will be used. Since managers are often forced to make decisions in the absence of complete information there is departure from the goal of profit maximization. Cost Benefit Analysis 7. Other constraints may be unfavourable government policy (such as the MRTP Act which acts as a constraint on the expansion of the so-called large houses in India), or adverse attitude of employees (due to lack of motivation and morale). Thirdly, managers acceptance of solution is increased through their participation. Managers use various types of resources and we often speak of five Ms in this context, viz., materials, money, manpower, machinery and management. The ability to make good decisions is the key to successful managerial performance. Decision Making Defined 4. Similarly, the amount of information we will have available to us when making a decision will vary. Decision Making Defined 4. Thus managerial decisions are grouped as: (a) Strategic decision . The choice of solution should focus on present alternatives, not past possibilities. An important concept developed by Simon is satisfying, which suggests that, rather than conducting an exhaustive search for the best possible alternative, decision makers tend to search only until they identify an alternative that meets some minimum standard of sufficiency. He has made the point that decisions differ not only in their content but also in terms of their relative uniqueness. Decision Making - Meaning and Important Concepts. It is a goal-oriented process and provides solutions . The decision makers compile useful information from raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and/or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. It is merely a valuable method for top-level executives in making decisions and solving problems. Consequently the manager hardly strives to reach the optimum solution but realistically attempts to reach a satisfactory solution to the problem at hand. There is no denying the fact that programmed decisions limit the freedom of managers to a considerable extent. In every organization, the senior-level management is actively involved in decision-making. The senior leaders are always engrossed in making decisions where the fate of the employees and the organization is involved. Directional, conceptual, analytical and behavioral decision-making are the four manners in which decisions are made. Secondly, how can the manager reward organisation members for participating in the implementation of the proposed solution? Simon does not attempt to prove that managers do not attempt to make effective decisions. Decision Support System (DSS) 3. vii) Management information system helps an organization to achieve a competitive advantage. But compromises by their very nature require participants to sacrifice some of their interests. Identify the decision The first step in making the right decision is recognizing the problem or opportunity and deciding to address it. When the cost of failure is high, the leader must . It helps in gathering data, analyzing on a regular basis and providing aid to management. 1.Principles and elements of MIS 2.The relationship between organizational structure and MIS 3.Information requirements for MIS 4.Different types of MIS 5.The process of developing a MIS 6.Criteria for MIS 7.Strategies for determining MIS design INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED READING Reading note: Management information systems BACKGROUND READING The Decision-Making Context 5. View Feedback 1 / 1 point Typically, data for an organization's information system is captured . The normative model of decision-making considers constraints that may arise in making decisions, such as time, complexity, uncertainty, and inadequacy of resources. MIS, DSS, EIS. Once decision is taken, it implies commitment of resources. Operations Research. We noted that effective decision requires an understanding of the situation. Level One: The Leader Alone Decides. The satisfying concept suggests that she or he will select this site even though further searching might reveal a better one. The evaluation of alternatives is no doubt a complex exercise. Through decision-support systems Through Executive . Due to the increased advancement in technology, many organizations and businesses are using . Firstly, managers should assess how important is this problem or opportunity. Group-think a phenomenon in which the time for group cohesiveness and consequence becomes stronger than the desire for the best possible decision may occur. Management Information Systems (MIS) is the key factor to facilitate and attain efficient decision making in an organization. The solution is simple to find: even a technically mediocre solution may prove to be effective (in the sense defined above) if it is implemented with enthusiasm and dedication.

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