government current events for high school students

It was not easy to delete all the important parts she had asked me to delete from the transcript, so I apologize for the maybe unusual order. As I have said earlier we have a very difficult and unique name. We will meet again in some months and you will tell me then what have happened after the publication of my message. I delineate the coming changes in my book Brother Veritus Community Plan. ZTEKNO presents: LACERTA! Let me tell you how I see ants, in fact, just this weekend I observed 2 colonies: One colony of black ants and a huge colony of red ants. I wanna meet her or find the entrance. So, do not fall anybody into racism, that is another form to divide the population to control it. Your Giant Impact. Schneider was a geologist working on the surface and drilled two or more tube elevator holes capable of taking one human down in each. She said that only a reptilian can reveal themselves but we cannot willfully meet a reptilian. After that, one simply probes for the other consciousness/awareness in the mind with a post-plasma manifestation, the sphere of influence {Feldraum} reacts and the connection is there. Will there be any further contact with Lacerta? The original English version of the Lacerta Files is made available by Exopolitics Hong Kong, at as a free online book source (Downloadable here as Lacerta files ). Your opinion is intelligent and I personally would think likewise. What had exactly happened when they arrived? Further are the same number on both sides? Answer: Open your eyes and see. When we are in the public and together with many others of my species we wear very wide and soft clothing made of thin, light stuff. The Lacerta Files. Answer: First, my kind was of course seen and described (and worshipped) many times in your primitive past, for example in your religious writings like your Christian Bible. We are more than our DNA. We will be transformed into a galactic society. The way that lacerta pronounces her name emulates these voices. Good to know we are not alone. Unfortunately, I dont know anything about it. That I am talking with you now does not mean that others will follow my example. If she wanted to warn us she would need to address the society in a way that her warning would be understood and accepted. The external reproduction organs are for both sexes smaller than those of humans, but they are visible and they have the same function as yours (another gift of evolution to our species.). BVW is only in English and Spanish in the main website at present time. Answer: This is difficult to answer. Last time, I had mentioned that highly-developed species which is capable of changing levels (which is something completely different from the simple bubble changing, for bubbles are a part of each and every level). Now one can read out information from the first one and record the desired information to the second one in the correct location. So-called wise men from India and from the Asian mountains have described our species many times in writings, together with other wise men from the African continent. Question: What about your body temperature? The main task of these small plates (beside a role in our sexuality) is simply the regulation of our body temperature and if we sit in natural or artificial sunlight, these plates become more blood-filled and the vessels become wider and the sun is able to heat up our reptoid blood (which circulates through the body and through the plates) for many degrees and that gives us a great pleasure. That is not especially difficult. This depends certainly on the point of view. Youre telling me they dont have giant ships orbiting Earth in camouflage or have bases on nearby spatial bodies? I believe the experiments with DMT are proof we are one consciousness and can tap into a Universal knowledge to gain truth. I esteem toward Lacerta, good tidings and warm regards in wishing her own life journey to likewise grow in a meaningful manner. Before that time, there was a more religious idea of our creation. If we decided to go looking for them, we'd be in big danger. This is not another of that wrong UFO papers which claim to tell the truth but tell in fact just fiction, Im convinced that this transcript contains the only truth and therefore you should read it. The matter has taken this turn and despite many times we feel the greatest in the world we are very small compared to many more evolved beings of us, in more advanced dimensions. I dont want to overbear you with questions, but my friend and I have been searching, he found out in many ways, but I have only heard, I do believe this because I stopped believing in God many years now as the reasons for Gods existence didnt add up and didnt make any sense. The nuclear winter ended after 200 years, but it was colder on earth than before. I have told you before, that we have more advanced mental abilities than your species and with more advanced I mean, that we are able to use telepathy and telekinesis from our birth on (in fact, mother and new-born child communicate generally with telepathy during the first months) without special training as you need it to activate these sleeping parts of your brain. I could even demonstrate it on you, but you were really horrified and confused the last time, so well just leave it at an explanation. One of the first recorded sightings came in 1988. People feel a revolution in their souls and I believe it is because we have been controlled and lied to for so long from our own race. Many people said, your words made no sense. They are able to appear in your mind and memory as whatever they want and this induced image has nothing to do with their real appearance. Lacerta said in the interview. The pupil is slit and can change its size from a small black line to a wide-open egg-shaped oval, because our retina is very light sensitive and the pupil must compare this. Regards, Wiggan. 8 The Scape Ore Lizard Man. The last creation of the seventh breed of your series was done just 8,500 years ago and this is the only creation you can remember and to which your religious writings refer. I must admit to being just a little tiny bit skeptical about the whole thing. A consciousness/awareness that sends or a consciousness/awareness that listens must first adapt itself to the other mind exactly, before any access is possible. My homeland lies in one of our smaller underground settlements to the east of here. I also have a few questions, I feel important questions you may be able to answer or may be able to ask Lacerta. I bet some of the foreign governments and citizens would have no problem with that. The interview and the message that I understand was to get up to reality and to prepare for what will follow. Ask yourself: Do you really think this accelerated evolution is natural? By means of the fluctuation at the right angle with the induced radiation field, copper is fused with other elements. The testing program reported defective sectors where strangely enough there were only data which dealt with illustrations and completed textual material from the interview. And why this story is not true? It is indeed actually somewhat disappointing that many of you develop no especially strong individual self-conscience, for this would help you to overcome the conditioning. We have no different hair colors like you (but there is a tradition to colour the hairs in different ages) and the original colour is like mine a greenish brown. Answer: This is a silly question. Go through your world with open eyes and you will see or maybe not. How many people have I walked pass are actually Lacerta? Its not always one plus one. Question: Only one last question. They appear in different shapes to you to confuse you and to make so-called abduction witnesses who were able to remember the events or who believe they are able to remember ridiculous in the public and as far as we know, they are successful. In spite of that, we are counting on negative actions possibly ever of a more subtle kind against you in the next few years or decades. In this cabin I sensed a human consciousness/awareness. Its been called many things by humans over the centuries. Adems la educacin y los medios estn sutilmente controlando nuestras mentes. In order to explain that, one has to acknowledge the physical reality of the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. Thats not all that simple. 2014. Greetings to Lacerta. I would not be surprised if this interview were real. Question: Do you think anyone will believe that this interview is the truth? However, other low-frequency, dark Reptilian renegade races do eat humans and are energetic parasites who draw energy from humans under terror and great fear. Is there a way to gain more information? We also enjoy swimming in very warm water or other liquids to rise our body temperature. Have a few questions for the next interview, if possible, please pass on: 1) Can she be at least more specific regarding where to find their cave Entrance (Australia for example, which part approximately?) No. Hello, I would like to know more information on this matter. Original natives living underground because of us is leaving me very bad taste. Are you familiar with your quantum tunnel effect? Lacertas mention of their cigar-shaped craft, ie: Five red lights, one on the top, one in the center and two (one on each end), thats equals FOUR red lamps, not five. The bomb was fired from space and detonated at a point of your planet you call Middle America today. She has told and shown me so many unbelievable things during that meeting that I cant deny the reality and the truth of her words any longer. That is as primitive as it is ridiculous. Our scientists were able to encode the messages and data and so we heard the first time about the events which took place in the distant past and which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. There are special cave areas and tunnels with a strong UV light in every city and we use that places to heat our blood. That streamlined kind of form is a human concept. When someone expects to see a human woman instead of me, I can do it without problems with his mind (even with large groups) because nobody expects to see a reptile woman. The history and knowledge would be amazing. When they returned, they brought your (now more human) ancestors back. Well, I guess that most of you just plain dont understand it, and those who do will not say anything about it to the general public. This photo comes from Belgium. We have not evolved wrong but you. Having stations here on earth makes sense for observation purposes but their full on cities and civilization would likely be on bases outside of Earth where this is zero chance of being discovered. We suppose that the coming war between the three races or between you and one or all of them will be fought for raw material, hydrogen, air and DNA. As for those who deny the tech of endless compression, Kolmogorov Incompressible Theorem will be your undoing. Im from Sweden. I'm in fact insistent to the interview, and though it leaves a lot of questions, like why would they hide in caves. Later on a person who had edited the English translation contacted me to ask me to remove her name from the post because that was affecting her ability to find a job. And once again, if someone doesn't find a way to contact her or someone who knows her soon, we have no chance. As I said, this special layer lies in the sphere of influence {Feldraum} between the morphogenetic information layers and the matter layers and can interact with respect to both sides. No, we have no visible tail. Awareness or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your field in the sphere of influence nothing more, nothing less. Please send me a copy of it so I can read it thank you, Kelly, you can read it in PDF format here: Question: Is this the reason for the abductions? At the end there is a lot of uncertainty about reptilians and other species. If you look at our skeleton, there is only a small rounded bone at the end of our spine behind the pelvis. You, Malcram, obviously a follower, know little of metaphysical Truth. I have remembered that I don't come from this planet from the first of my many incarnated lives. If you would be a species living in another or over the plain and if you would be furthermore able to enter plains without technology so that your body is not made of that kind of matter you know, then you would be the mightiest being you can imagine. That means not that we are now real mammals) but the breasts of us are not as large as those of human woman and the size of them is generally equal for every female of my kind. If you read a report about a sighting of a metallic bright-gray cigar-shaped cylindrical object with a length of there are different types let me say between 20 and 260 of your meters and if this object had made a very deep humming sound and if there were 5 bright red lights on the metallic surface of the cigar (one at the top, one in the middle, two at the end) then its likely that someone of you have seen one of our ships and this means that it was either partly defect or that someone of us was not careful enough. Let me declare, that I was all my life a skeptic about UFOs, aliens and other weird things and I thought that E.F. tells me just dreams or fictitious stories when he talked with me about his First Contacts with the non-human being Lacerta. I think I ought to stop with this explanation. Climate change. What blows my mind is how most people on here automatically believe in a reptilian woman living underground from a posting by a stranger they never met but automatically denounce God and Jesus to the T. Man. As a result, the entire field spectrum is shifted to a higher plasma-like condition, whereby the spectrum comes together with this harsh shifting to the opposite pole side the word is NOT correct of the force field and it resembles quite closely a gravitational shift. What is publicly available about antigravity technology informs us that a ship within a sufficiently powerful magnetic field could travel from one end of our solar system to the other in a relatively short time, its occupants unaffected by velocity. Lacerta Files 21 pages Explore Wiki Content Community Home Edit Lacerta Files File:Bergman, Jimmy. Remember, your early mammal ancestors developed together with dinosaurs and they survived the bomb like us. But how can you be among humans? The central building is generally a center of religion, but also a center for climate control, and a center for the behavior and the regulation of the lighting system. I reviewed another language document for confirmation. Most of them in politics and running the show. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. To be explainedit can only be explained by the acceptance of the latter, because the sphere of influence {Feldraum} is the basis. 50 million years after the war and after the end of Dinosaurs, only three (now also technological) advanced reptilian species were remaining on this planet together with all the other lower animals. You humans only enjoy being in the sun but for us it is the greatest pleasure you can imagine (maybe like your sexual excitement.) I found this very interesting. I wont even exclude my own kind in this regard, for there have been certain occurrences in the past which I dont personally welcome, but about which I would also not like to go into detail. with family and friends! They believe, because of their education, that they have a superior mind and therefore their point of view is above that of the one of people who believe in the paranormal, UFOs and conspiracy theories. Some of these comments contained stereotypical phrases like Servants of Hell or Species of the Evil One. The very first thing is that you must divide up the conception of the physical world because each existence consists of different layers; lets say for simplicitys sake that it consists of a material illusion and a sphere of influence. No, the original unedited material is not available. You see that my nails are not so long and round at the top. Sometimes the abductors belong to another and more advanced race and they just want to study your body and your mind (which is more interesting for some of them than your solid body) as you would study a primitive animal. That building has a very special name and religious significance. Im able to say them but it would hurt your ear if I tell you the names in their original way. We see a spider in our home and we let it be. This is not my spine but a very difficult shaped external plate-structure of skin and tissue following exactly our spine from the head to the hip. We have at our location all together 5 large artificial light sources which generate your UV light and its warmth through gravitational sources. In the last time, there were some rumors about a new, fifteenth species which had arrived on Earth just 3 or 4 years ago, but we dont know anything about their intentions and we were not in contact with them till now. Your great scientists called the belief in us superstition and religion and todays intelligent humans have forgotten our presence on the surface in the past. Ill try to do itwait just a secondyou are going to have to separate yourself mentally from the illusion that that which you see is the true nature of the universe. Give Us a Call 239-643-4343 Also kiss a frog and they turn into a princess or prince. I think she still has hope for mankind, and either we will choose a camp or we will be caught in the middle. Answer: Yes. File:Lacerta IAU.svg From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository File File history File usage on Commons File usage on other wikis Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 605 570 pixels. I know exactly whats needed to prove forever that the claims you have made are actually true: Provide scientists with a meaningful description or mathematical model of something scientists can confirm. Evolution had done this for your species already in the dinosaur age and a little bit later also for ours. Under High Tatras? Secondly, regarding her statement in NM (1947/06) Old Style Craft collision is also correct in details, except one item. I think we are the most mentioned non-human species (maybe beside the Illojim) in your history. There is a powerful device inside each craft which is able to send an artificial signal to your minds to convince you, that you see either nothing but only the sky or that you see normal aircraft like planes instead of our ships. The following is certainly difficult to understand and to believe for someone who hasnt experienced it, but I was really in contact with her mind and Im now completely sure that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world. However, not a lot of aliens care for us, and for me at least I don't care about them either. I have woken up and now I finally see the light. Your conception of the physical world is based upon a simple material illusion. So what label would you put on the human race benevolent? malevolent? The best is to post information and make comments voicing your opinion on every subject using the internet and social networks. The reptilians have genetically experimented on humans and they have attached some of their DNA to humans. I will not say that I completely agree with Lacerta, but I believe she believes what she says. The (field of influence) our people have a word for this (FIRMAMENT). Thank you, Mr. Bergman, for your comment. This is absolutely impossible, because evolution is a much slower process if its natural but you have not understood this. (lacerta files) est faux. You have read from Z what I allowed to be posted. This was our direct ancestor. Worshiping God is not a religion. The fingernails are grey and generally longer than yours. This is not a typical comment platform, like YouTube, where people can runt and rave with no restriction; here we have to be respectful to each other and to pay attention to the answers given before jumping to fight. It did happen. By the way, the words of people who have characterized me as a Creature of Evil have their basis in the belief in occult powers and magic both of which things DO NOT exist. Aug 10, 2010. We can't travel to other planets and our mechanical devices are crude and polluting but we can do one thing they can't and that is to feel love and empathy. We watch nature and dont want to see it destroyed. One of old people for me, as my grandfather, maybe 20 or 30 years ago, found a cave in Slovakia forest. Answer: I have a certain feeling that you dont believe me, despite the fact that Im sitting here in front of you. At Lacertas request, the original text of 31 pages was revised and shortened up to deal with some questions and answers. His language was not quite yet common at that time for me, but its not all that hard to learn a new language when one can read the information in the consciousness/awareness of the opposite individual. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960s and the 1970s. I had talked with her for over 3 hours, so the following transcript shows you only shortened parts of the interview, because she asked me after the interview not to publish everything she had told me already now. and things under the earth;" These beings were intelligent enough not to die in the next millions of years, because they learned to change their behavior, they lived in caves instead in the cold nature and they learned to use stones and branches as first tools and the use of fire as help to warm them especially to warm their blood which is very important for our kind to survive. I don't know what to do. Im not saying it is impossible but in comparison more exists than the other. Read David Icke and the Reptilian Agenda. Your simple words good and evil are in any case examples of a tendency towards generalization; in my language there are many concepts for the various shades of meaning of individual behaviors in comparison to the norms of a society. @Z If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there.). Now at that time this species had just arrived on the earth and their point of origin lay on a planet with a more stable magnetic field, for which they had developed and aligned their drive. Question: You mentioned earlier that you use the name Lacerta when you are among humans and that you enjoy it to be in the real sun on the surface of earth. Now, one can give you the benefit of the doubt, that only the least number of your kind have any knowledge about these alien projects which are as you explain it top secret. That pleased me. Furthermore, two of the species are also interested in your body, in your human tissue and blood, because their own genetic structure is defect through bad evolution and radiation (as far as we know) and they need intact strings from your kind and from animals to repair their own genetic again and again, but they are not really able to repair the defects completely because their DNA and your DNA is not fully compatible (my own species is absolutely incompatible with them, so they are not very interested in us) and they try to make more compatible crossbreeds between you and them by use of artificial fertilizations and artificial wombs. The Illojim returned within 23,000 years seven times and accelerated the evolution speed of certain of your kind. Most of the species especially the more advanced are just studying you as animals and they are not very dangerous for you and for us and we work together with some of them, but three species are hostile, including the one which was in contact with some of your governments and exchanged their technology for copper and other important things and which had betrayed your kind. For me it is OK to have this opinion. Disturbance in the structure of the field and bioelectric feedback. Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. Lacerta belongs to an old reptilian race of our planet but it is not of the same renegade ET race that worked with the Anunnaki and the Luciferian Rebellion and with the shadow government in the secret space program. Triangular UFOs belong generally to your own military but they use foreign technology to build them. Your historical horizon ends at a scale of just some thousands of years and you think this is right. Stereotypical, unfounded opinions normally created out of fear are the fetters of the mind and lead to a restricted consciousness. Quizs no seamos muchos los que somos open mind en estas cosas, pero trabajando juntos podramos hacer grandes cosas. I feel the bee has as much right to exist as I do. Ive made some notes about your history and now I have some questions. Lets just say, I find myself in the position now to arrange this permission without having to take into account any consequences. But we need not evolve in pirates and pickpockets, or seek out a lower life form, manipulate them into destroying themselves and stand back and laugh about it. But I have another question. We bring you both the transcript and the polarizing truths that come with this hallmark moment in Ufology history! They are extremely nave, on the contrary. In addition, not everyone of your abductees is one and some of the aliens in their reports are really just imagination or lies. Multitudinous incongruities and the overstepping of bounds of the treaties by both sides finally led to an altercation between you and the extraterrestrials, which culminated in the lift-off of three of the alien aerial objects through a special how do you say it? EMP {electromagnetic pulse} weapon and a military skirmish at one of their underground installations. The other buildings of the colony are, for the most part, concentrically ordered in oval circles around the main supporting column, and they are without exception much flatter; generally only between 3 and 20 meters tall. This memory plate was manufactured from the last bomb survivors of human race from Procyon already 65 million years ago but it was completely intact when we found it. It has been 10-20 years since this interview. How easy it would be if you are what you claim to provide real meaningful information. Instead, you provide paragraphs and pages of gibberish and rehashed not even very creative science-fiction babble. We don't say: Well, duck you are not as evolved as me, so it doesn't matter if you die. The main difference between you and us is that we must eat flesh, because our body needs the proteins. The plate was made of an even for us unknown magnetic material and inside the plate there was another smaller crystal plate which contained an enormous amount of information coded in the molecular structure of the crystal. The whole thing lay in the context with some new, or better said, the old technical problems with your own self-constructed ships whose camouflage and drive partially failed to function in test flights in the open. Whenever an alien mind ought to be influenced, then there are some generally valid steps, which are set into motion by other extraterrestrial species. If you would only comprehend that, then you would be a step ahead in your development. The power station is located on the edge of the colony. Walls are precision symetrics and dont from this world. Just my opinion. I have found that a lot of what Lacerta has said has a lot of truth to it! How do concrete paranormal powers arise? Maybe she gives me permission to reveal more of the missing parts in that transcript and about the coming war. As a result, for a very short period of timehow should I phrase thisthere was an unchecked shift of the environment to a plasma-like condition, which on the other hand, through a very, very unfortunate accident, caused an overturning of the general power field into a magnetic pulse of immense power. ) ancestors back was a more religious idea of our creation request, the original material. Are not as evolved as me, so it does n't matter if you at... That building has a lot of aliens care for us, and for me at least I do n't about! 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