government current events for high school students

The vaccine can potentially reduce the rate of infections and hospitalizations, boost economic activity, and provide a sense of safety to individuals. Overview Philosophers will ask, seek answers, and argue the answers to the questions they are seeking the truth for. However, it is essential to be mindful of the potential drawbacks when considering its Still others join their postmodern counterparts, and view the notions of reason and objectivity themselves with distrust, on the grounds that these are problematically masculine concepts. Looking back through history helps better show what the philosophers thought during the time period in which they lived. It consists of a set of material practices, interpretive that makes the world noticeable. The theory of evolution contradicts the idea that all people are born good and can do no wrong. Qualitative research and the seeds of constructivism-interpretivism can be traced back to Kants (1881/ 1966) Critique of Pure Reason. ), and psychology (e.g.,do IQ tests discriminate against members of certain minority groups?) Does critical thinking presuppose conceptions of truth, knowledge, or justification that are objective and universal, or is it compatible with more relativistic accounts emphasizing culture, race, class, gender, or conceptual framework? Here, a brief history of each outlines philosophy: Post positivism arose out of dissatisfaction with some aspects of the positivist stance. Is there something intrinsically bad about indoctrination, or is it held in disfavor only because of its general tendency to produce bad results? These views in some ways challenge philosophy generally, and so a thorough treatment of these criticisms would involve issues in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of politics, and theories of meaning and truth, to name a few. The answer to this question, as to the others raised above, may depend in part on the status of the particular school as public (state-supported) or private. By the 1970's the influence of analytic philosophy on philosophy of education had begun to wane, and feminist, multiculturalist, and postmodern critiques of education and educational theory became more prevalent. The debate often involves deep ethical questions: can we deem one worldview as deficient in some way without being guilty of parochialism? What should be taught in our schools? WebThe disadvantages would be not having frequent discussions with classmat d who are studying the same material and not getting a well rounded exposure in different areas of This is typically guaranteed as a right but is balanced with other rights and freedoms such as security of person and the right to human dignity. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Should academic study be favored over vocational educationif in fact there is even a clear distinction between the two? Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Each of those required me to peer deeper into things like religion, politics, morality, peacefulness, language, and many other topics. Web4 Philosophy and the Teacher Realism and Idealism are fundamentally opposing views, and a teacher's philosophy will be evident in the classroom. The relativity of the theories, to the time period, is a very important factor in how efficient these theories they were. Who all had quotes that have been taught and have a lot of meaning, Aristotle quoted-At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst; a man who has no boundaries is a dangerous person, he also quoted-the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet; it is hard to study and have a family but the outcome is wonderful. In the United States, the issue of legitimate authority has been raised recently in connection with the practice of standardized testing, which some critics believe discriminates against the children of some racial, cultural, religious, or ethnic groups (because the test questions rely, implicitly or explicitly, on various culturally specific cues or assumptions that members of some groups may not understand or accept). John Locke conceived of the human mind as a 'blank slate; it seems to follow from this that students should be expected to passively absorb the information they're taught. philosophy of education, can directly or indirectly affect learning process and success of a student [17]. To show that indoctrination could be avoidable requires a distinction between indoctrination and nonindoctrinating belief inculcation, but such a distinction is hard to draw and often thought to be controversial. Analytic treatments of the concept of indoctrination have fallen roughly into one of three categories: Finally, moral issues in the philosophy of education reflect important themes in meta-ethics, such as the tension between rationalist and sentimentalist schools:is moral education a matter of exposing students to ethical reasoning, or instead a matter of inculcating positive emotional dispositions, like empathy? Such questions raise doubts about all general theoriesof philosophy, education, or anything elseby suggesting that all such 'grand narratives"arise in particular historical circumstances and thus inevitably reflect the worldviews, values, and interests of the groups that happen to be dominant in those circumstances. Both sides can be argued, pro life or pro choice, and both have sufficient evidence supporting its side. Is education itself merely a tool by which those in power maintain social and economic inequalities? All Rights Reserved. Relatedly, many feminist philosophers of education have questioned the focus traditional approaches to the philosophy of education place on those skills that are exercised in the public domainskills such as reason, objectivity, and impartiality. WebAdvantages of Situational Ethics. 3 The chaos and noisiness of the classroom Answering such questions inevitably leads us to issues in moral epistemology, which is concerned with the epistemic status of moral claims and judgments. WebKarl Marx said, At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production orthis merely expresses the Does critical thinking presuppose conceptions of truth, knowledge, or justification that are objective and universal, or is it compatible with more relativistic accounts emphasizing culture, race, class, gender, or conceptual framework? Students will be able to seek truth independently, thinking freely with the careful guidance of the teacher. Multiculturalist philosophers stress the importance of diversity in education and educational theory. Some have argued that any sort of grading or evaluation undermines cooperation, demoralizes students, and distracts from the real purpose of education. It is not obvious what critical thinking is, and philosophers of education accordingly have developed accounts of critical thinking that attempt to state what it is and why it is valuable. In approaching these questions about the individual, society, and education, there is a general conflict between a more liberal viewpoint of the aim of educationin which the independence of the individual is stressed over the good of the societyand a more communitarian viewin which the individual's far-reaching dependence on and obligation to society has weight. What exactly this entails is the subject of much inquiry:what account can we give of individual autonomy that does justice to the social context of personal identity and choice? To what degree, if any, should teachers seek (ethnic, gender, socioeconomic) diversity in their classroom? Positivism and post positivism serve as the primary foundation and anchor for quantitative research. Is the distinction really so obvious between education and indoctrination? These movements also often question the very possibility of universal educational ideals. What is it to reason well? Some argue that a show of equal respect involves treating alternative worldviews as uniformly legitimate; others maintain that we should approach these worldviews and our own with a critical eye, and that respect doesn't preclude us from judging particular beliefs as false, or particular values as incomplete. For example, questions of metaphysics (e.g.,how are 'groups"to be individuated and understood? The characteristics of a good philosopher are someone who possesses the qualities to use their habits of mind and be able to think on a higher level than most do. The answer to this question, as to the others raised above, may depend in part on the status of the particular school as public (state-supported) or private. Are these tests racially discriminatory? With philosophy, we can remove our dogmatic assertions and adopt a bigger but less certain perspective of things. Malaysia practices the quota system in its education ( especially in public universities ), public sectors ( i.e. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! A great deal of debate has focused on the effectiveness of this method:do such tests accurately reflect what students have learned? This site organized and edited by Haley Mathis; please send questions and comments ), philosophy of science (e.g.,what, if anything, marks the boundary between genuine scientific theory and theories such as intelligent design? Others object to these categories in the first place. Feminist philosophers of education critique traditional and often tacitly male-oriented perspectives on the appropriate aims and methodology of education. A more general aim is to focus less on the cognitive development of students, and to instead emphasize the importance of traditionally overlooked talents, such as emotional intelligence and intuition. Locating indoctrination in the aims of the educatorintending to bring students to adopt beliefs independently of the evidential support those beliefs may have; Considering the method by which educators transmit beliefsprecluding students from engaging critically with these beliefs, by way of asking questions or demanding reasons; Treating the content of the beliefs impartedcontent that does not admit of rational support or that is to be believed independently of such support. It is not obvious what critical thinking is, and philosophers of education accordingly have developed accounts of critical thinking that attempt to state what it is and why it is valuable. Everything I have discussed previously is just the tip of the, Philosophy was an activity that people would seek to understand the fundamentals of truth, relationships with others and themselves. An idealist, for instance, will seek the role of facilitator, guiding students toward truth. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Emergency Information Thinking that its subjective or optional; when in reality most simply miss the forest for the trees. Copyright: 2022 University of Miami. Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual freedom and choice, and the inherent meaninglessness of life. Given that consideration of educations proper aims is of fundamental importance for the intelligent guidance of educational activities, it is unfortunate that contemporary discussions of educational policy rarely address the matter. Others challenge the coherence of such a project, on the grounds that the narrative of domination and justice is itself flawed, and so any political attempts to undermine the former and enhance the latter cannot be justified. Given that the research project will be using qualitative research strategies, a definition may be crucial at this point. Philosophy is arguably the key to how humans have learned to create what society has become today. Special thanks to Harvey Siegel; a great deal of the written material on this website is borrowed (with significant changes) from his Britannica Online Encyclopedia entry: Education, Philosophy of. According to Hamilton (1994, p. 63), Kants position was that human perception derives not only from evidence of the senses but also from the mental apparatus that serves to organize the incoming sense impressions and that human claims about nature cannot be independent of inside-the-head processes of the knowing subject.. However to counter, this in the research project, reflexivity will be applied. WebEducation should be experiential: Counts believed that education should be experiential and involve hands-on, real-world learning. According to John Dewey, (add a sentence) There are many advantages with using progressivism in a classroom. One source of criticism stresses the importance of fostering carethat is, the abilities and dispositions of students to treat themselves and others with empathy and concern. Philosophy of Education in the Curriculum. Is the point of education to promote a thriving economy, to foster competent citizen scrutiny of those in authority, to give citizens the tools to make informed choices, to prepare them for the work force, or something else? These accounts all result in a particular picture of indoctrination: the indoctrinated student has beliefs that have not been subjected to rational scrutiny; critical thinking did not play a role in the adoption of these beliefs. Considering the method by which educators transmit beliefsprecluding students from engaging critically with these beliefs, by way of asking questions or demanding reasons; They mainly focused on answering what is the explanation of nature, also referred to as metaphysics. The issue of legitimate authority has been raised recently in the United States in connection with the practice of standardized testing, which some critics believe discriminates against the children of some racial, cultural, religious, or ethnic groups (because the test questions rely, implicitly or explicitly, on various culturally specific cues or assumptions that members of some groups may not understand or accept). These practices turn the world into a series of representations including photographs, field notes, and interviews, to the self. Education prepares a man for the vision of absolute reality. He himself belonged to the upper strata. WebOne of the tasks of the philosophy of education, accordingly, has been the elucidation of key educational concepts, including the concept of education itself, as well as related concepts such as teaching, learning, schooling, child rearing, and indoctrination. Overview Others object to these categories in the first place. The quota system in Malaysia can be the best example. We see again a resistance to the kind of moral absolutism or imperialism that some think necessary to justify teaching any one particular set of values to students, and again we see concerns regarding indoctrination:are attempts to teach students to think effectively about moral issues tacit forms of proselytization? We see again a resistance to the kind of moral absolutism or imperialism that some think necessary to justify teaching any one particular set of values to students, and again we see concerns regarding indoctrination:are attempts to teach students to think effectively about moral issues tacit forms of proselytization? Many aims have been proposed by philosophers and other educational theorists; they include the cultivation of curiosity and the disposition to inquire; the fostering of creativity; the production of knowledge and of knowledgeable students; the enhancement of understanding; the promotion of moral thinking, feeling, and action; the enlargement of the imagination; the fostering of growth, development, and self-realization; the fulfillment of potential; the cultivation of liberally educated persons; the overcoming of provincialism and close-mindedness; the development of sound judgment; the cultivation of docility and obedience to authority; the fostering of autonomy; the maximization of freedom, happiness, or self-esteem; the development of care, concern, and related attitudes and dispositions; the fostering of feelings of community, social solidarity, citizenship, and civic-mindedness; the production of good citizens; the civilizing of students; the protection of students from the deleterious effects of civilization; the development of piety, religious faith, and spiritual fulfillment; the fostering of ideological purity; the cultivation of political awareness and action; the integration or balancing of the needs and interests of the individual student and the larger society; and the fostering of skills and dispositions constitutive of rationality or critical thinking. Only through this interaction can deeper meaning be uncovered. Beyond this basic agreement lie a host of contentious issues. One is schizophrenia or the splitting of the mind, the other known as For a Christian religion supports people should love one another. Looking for a flexible role? Also, some religious families where the forefathers were morally upright, individuals in the same background tend to support good morals (Doetzel. Can an account be given of critical thinking that can be generalized across disciplines? Critical responses to these challenges have been many and varied; one of the most notable consists of pointing out the apparent inconsistency involved in claiming that, as a general matter, general accounts of education, justice, and the like are impossible. It promotes lifelong learning and an education system that is constantly evolving. (2007). Is the point of education to promote a thriving economy, to foster competent citizen scrutiny of those in authority, to give citizens the tools to make informed choices, to prepare them for the work force, or something else? One of the adverse effects of this is fever. The great range of aims that have been proposed makes vivid the philosopher of educations need to appeal to other areas of philosophy, to other disciplines (e.g., psychology, anthropology, sociology, and the physical sciences), and to educational practice itself. Additionally, having a philosophy makes it easier to make decisions regarding yourself. The debate often involves deep ethical questions: can we deem one worldview as deficient in some way without being guilty of parochialism? Core questions Conclusively, the advantages of the Covid-19 vaccine outweigh the disadvantages. Such criticisms aimed not only at the tacit assumptions of educational content and pedagogy, but also questioned traditional views concerning the universality and neutrality of reason' and critical thinking, and even of knowledge and truth. WebThere are a number of basic philosophical problems and tasks that have occupied philosophers of education throughout the history of the subject. social constructivism alongside post positivism In this discussion the merits and demerits of each philosophy, are given along side the research strategies associated with each as well as the rationale for adapting social constructivism. This essay will discuss two research philosophies. There are a number of basic philosophical problems and tasks that have occupied philosophers of education throughout the history of the subject. There are a number of basic philosophical problems and tasks that have occupied philosophers of education throughout the history of the subject. What makes a reason, in this sense, good or bad? How best to resolve this problem remains the subject of debate among multicultural philosophers of education, with some opting for some form of cultural relativism and others for a compromise between multiculturalism and universalism. How best to resolve this problem remains the subject of debate among multicultural philosophers of education, with some opting for some form of cultural relativism and others for a compromise between multiculturalism and universalism. Locating indoctrination in the aims of the educatorintending to bring students to adopt beliefs independently of the evidential support those beliefs may have; Throughout history, many philosophers argued about issues like religion, morality, language, politics, and just about anything you can think of. A more general aim is to focus less on the cognitive development of students, and to instead emphasize the importance of traditionally overlooked talents, such as emotional intelligence and intuition. They argue that we should also place importance on emotional connection, sensitivity to others, compassion, and intuition, all of which are skills exercised in the private spheres of home and family. Philosophers are posed with the challenge of attempting to solve many of life's unanswerable questions. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Empiricism can be associated with atheism show more content. WebAccording to Gray (2021), the vaccinations cause an inflammatory reaction, which prompts the production of antibodies to fight the virus if it subsequently emerges. Therefore, it influences people to understand the importance of staying together. Everything that we do in life, it is all based around our goal that we want ourselves to attain. All such proposed aims require careful articulation and defense, and all have been subjected to sustained criticism. Qualitative research strategies, i.e. Such analysis seeks not necessarily, or only, to identify the particular meanings of charged or contested concepts but also to identify alternative meanings, render ambiguities explicit, reveal hidden metaphysical, normative, or cultural assumptions, illuminate the consequences of alternative interpretations, explore the semantic connections between related concepts, and elucidate the inferential relationships obtaining among the philosophical claims and theses in which they are embedded. It is how the laws are made and it is the model used to determine what is considered acceptable behavior or morally right and wrong. Privacy Statement & Legal Notices. These questions lead to limitless possibilities, broadened horizons, and freedom from what we know. , for instance, will seek the role of facilitator, guiding toward. 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